Search results for gravitational anomalies

Astronomy May 3, 2023

AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before

The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper. A research team used artificial intelligence to dramatically improve upon its first image from 2019, which now shows the black hole at the center of the M87 ...

Astronomy Apr 21, 2023

New look at 'Einstein rings' around distant galaxies just got us closer to solving the dark matter debate

Physicists believe most of the matter in the universe is made up of an invisible substance that we only know about by its indirect effects on the stars and galaxies we can see.

Space Exploration Apr 3, 2023

NASA plans 2 super pressure balloon test flights from New Zealand

NASA's Scientific Balloon Program is scheduled to conduct two super pressure balloon (SPB) launches from Wānaka, New Zealand, to further test and qualify the technology, which can offer cost savings compared to space missions.

Planetary Sciences Feb 28, 2023

Highlighting advances in planetary science over the past 20 years

As of December 2021, a total of 252 planetary probes have been launched around the world.

Planetary Sciences Jan 23, 2023

Superionic ice contributes to understanding of magnetic anomalies on Neptune and Uranus

Ordinary everyday ice, like the ice produced by a fridge, is known to scientists as hexagonal ice (ice Ih), and is not the only crystalline phase of water. More than 20 different phases are possible. One of them, called "superionic ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 17, 2023

A hybrid fission/fusion reactor could be the best way to get through the ice on Europa

In the coming years, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) will send two robotic missions to explore Jupiter's icy moon Europa. These are none other than NASA's Europa Clipper and the ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE), ...

Astronomy Jun 10, 2022

Newly discovered Fast Radio Burst 190520 prompts more questions due to strange behavior

Newly discovered fast radio burst (FRB) 190520 shows unique behavior compared to other FRBs discovered so far.  This deviant cosmic burst was observed by an international team, co-led by researchers at West Virginia University and ...

Astronomy Jun 9, 2022

Ground-breaking number of brown dwarfs discovered

Brown dwarfs, mysterious objects that straddle the line between stars and planets, are essential to our understanding of both stellar and planetary populations. However, only 40 brown dwarfs could be imaged around stars in ...

Planetary Sciences Apr 28, 2022

Earth's atmosphere may be source of some lunar water

Hydrogen and oxygen ions escaping from Earth's upper atmosphere and combining on the moon could be one of the sources of the known lunar water and ice, according to new research by University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical ...

Astronomy Apr 1, 2022

Kepler telescope delivers new planetary discovery from the grave

A new study by an international team of astrophysicists, led by the Jodrell Bank Center for Astrophysics has presented the amazing new discovery of a near-identical twin of Jupiter orbiting a star at a colossal distance of ...

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