Search results for element 106

Nanomaterials May 10, 2018

Visualization of molecular soccer balls

Fullerenes are composed of 60 carbon atoms joined together in hexagonal rings to form a sphere that resembles a soccer ball. Fullerenes are of great interest to materials scientists because their interesting electronic properties ...

Astronomy Jan 16, 2018

Astronomers conduct detailed chemical analysis of eleven globular clusters

Astronomers have performed abundance measurements for 11 globular clusters in the galaxies NGC 147, NGC 6822, and Messier 33. The new study, presented January 9 in a paper published on, could improve our knowledge ...

Energy & Green Tech Nov 10, 2017

Russia named as likely source of Europe radioactivity spike (Update)

An apparent accident at a Russian facility is suspected of causing a recent spike in radioactivity in the air over much of Europe, according to a report by France's nuclear safety agency.

Space Exploration Oct 3, 2017

Private companies are launching a new space race – here's what to expect

The space race between the USA and Russia started with a beep from the Sputnik satellite exactly 60 years ago (October 4, 1957) and ended with a handshake in space just 18 years later. The handshake was the start of many ...

Evolution Apr 17, 2017

On intelligence

During human evolution, our cerebral cortex increased in size in response to new environmental challenges. The cerebral cortex is the site of diverse processes, including visual perception and language acquisition. However, ...

Archaeology Sep 12, 2016

Researchers unearth ancient mythological statues in Jordan

A team of North Carolina-based researchers helped unearth more clues this summer about the ancient Nabatean city of Petra in Jordan.

General Physics Jan 7, 2016

The search for new elements on the periodic table started with a blast

So the periodic table has expanded again with the addition late last year of four new superheavy elements, bringing the known total up to 118.

Plasma Physics Dec 17, 2015

Creation of Jupiter interior, a step towards room temperature superconductivity

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and a major component of stars such as the Sun, as well as gas-giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn. In recent years, hydrogen's behavior at high temperature and ...

Biotechnology Dec 14, 2015

Researchers create cellular 'ORACLs' to aid drug discovery

A team of researchers at UC San Francisco has devised a new approach for early stage drug discovery that uses techniques from the world of computer vision in combination with a powerful new tool: a lineage of genetically ...

Archaeology Nov 10, 2015

Analyzing the parameters that made societies likely to adopt agriculture

(—The development of agriculture, arising during the Neolithic revolution, was an incredibly influential transition in the history of human beings. It's believed that anatomically modern humans existed in hunter-gatherer ...

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