Search results for caustic method

Astronomy Jul 3, 2014

Searching for Earth-like planets: Newly spotted frozen world orbits in a binary star system

A newly discovered planet in a binary star system located 3,000 light-years from Earth is expanding astronomers' notions of where Earth-like—and even potentially habitable—planets can form, and how to find them.

Materials Science May 29, 2014

Researchers develop method to process bismuth as catalyst for carbon dioxide reduction

( —A research team led by Joel Rosenthal in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Delaware has achieved yet another a breakthrough toward the renewable production of solar fuels.

Nanophysics Jan 27, 2014

Small-scale imaging unlocks nickel ore value

Local researchers are using a unique method of nano-material imaging to more effectively determine the highly variable acid leaching values of Western Australian nickel laterite ores.

Optics & Photonics Nov 13, 2012

Choreographing light: New algorithm controls light patterns called 'caustics', organizes them into coherent images

Researchers at EPFL's Computer Graphics and Geometry Laboratory found a way to control "caustics", the patterns that appear when light hits a water surface or any transparent material. Thanks to an elaborate algorithm, they ...

Environment May 21, 2012

From waste to water: Study examines solution to red mud problem

Scientists at the University of Glasgow are working to turn a toxic industrial waste product into a material which can be used to treat contaminated water.

Environment Feb 29, 2012

Red mud's carbon capture clue

( -- An environmental disaster that occurred in Hungary in 2010 could lead to a new way of removing carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere.

Materials Science Jul 11, 2011

From oil spill to toxic waste: The polymer solution

( -- Last October, a containment dam belonging to a Hungarian alumina manufacturer collapsed after heavy rains, releasing 200 million gallons of caustic sludge. Eight people died in the flood of lye-like red mud, ...

Engineering Dec 3, 2010

University of Minnesota licenses sensor technology to a startup

United Science, a Minnesota startup company, has licensed sensor technology developed at the University of Minnesota that could prevent toxic byproducts of mining and other industries from ending up in the environment and ...

Environment Oct 21, 2010

Value-added sulfur scrubbing

Power plants that burn fossil fuels remain the main source of electricity generation across the globe. Modern power plants have scrubbers to remove sulfur compounds from their flue gases, which has helped reduce the problem ...

Materials Science Jan 7, 2010

New solvent technologies to replace use of harmful toxic acids

Scientists at the University of Leicester are spearheading the development of new ways to replace harmful, carcinogenic, toxic acids and electrolytes which are currently used in many commercial metal finishing and energy ...

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