Search results for viscoelastic solids

Materials Science Feb 28, 2013

Physicist develops new silicone rubber

(—If anything bothers University of Virginia physicist Lou Bloomfield, it's a wobbly table. So much so that he actually invented a material to eliminate the problem. The material, a type of silicone rubber that ...

Materials Science May 17, 2010

Researchers discover spider webs' true 'sticking power' (w/ Video)

The secret of a brilliant evolutionary development, spider web glue, has been discovered by University of Akron researchers.

Jan 21, 2009

Researchers cooking up new gelled rocket fuels

Engineers and food scientists are teaming up to develop a new type of gelled fuel the consistency of orange marmalade designed to improve the safety, performance and range of rockets for space and military applications.

Other Jun 1, 2007

How to Rip a Fluid

In a simple experiment on a mixture of water, surfactant (soap), and an organic salt, two researchers working in the Pritchard Laboratories at Penn State have shown that a rigid object like a knife passes through the mixture ...

Biochemistry Nov 3, 2010

Cell membranes behave like cornstarch and water

( -- Surprising discovery by physicists at the University of Oregon overturns a long-held belief, and raises fresh new scientific questions about the biology that regulates lipid and protein mobility.

Soft Matter Nov 22, 2016

New insight into the flow of polymer and 'living polymer' solutions

Fluids such as water are Newtonian, and their viscous behavior is well understood. However, many common fluids are "viscoelastic." These fluids, such as those commonly found in cosmetics, soaps and paints, possess a combination ...

Materials Science May 15, 2015

Simple Leonardo da Vinci experiments combined with advanced theory reveal new atomic-level insights into rubber

Friction, the force that slows down objects as they slide across a surface, can save lives when car brakes are slammed. Yet despite its obvious importance, no one knows for sure how friction works at the level of atoms and ...

Engineering Nov 21, 2011

Ultrafine processing technology continues its evolution

The performance of optical and electronic components such as lenses and semiconductors is strongly influenced by the precision of surface grinding, which involves shaping the surface, and polishing, and provides the product ...

Nanophysics Dec 17, 2011

Physicists report nanotechnology feat with proteins

( -- UCLA physicists have made nanomechanical measurements of unprecedented resolution on protein molecules.

Earth Sciences Oct 21, 2019

Antarctic ice cliffs may not contribute to sea-level rise as much as predicted

Antarctica's ice sheet spans close to twice the area of the contiguous United States, and its land boundary is buttressed by massive, floating ice shelves extending hundreds of miles out over the frigid waters of the Southern ...

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