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Search results for meteorite

Planetary Sciences Feb 5, 2024

Asteroid that impacted near Berlin identified as a rare aubrite

An official classification now aligns with what many suspected from merely looking at the images of the strange meteorites that fell near Berlin on January 21, 2024. They belong to a rare group called "aubrites."

Astrobiology Jan 29, 2024

Cosmic building blocks of life discovered through the electron microscope

A team of researchers has examined the Winchcombe meteorite and demonstrated the existence in it of nitrogen compounds such as amino acids and heterocyclic hydrocarbons—without applying any chemical treatment and by using ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 15, 2024

Discovery changes understanding of water's history on the moon

New research from a Western University postdoctoral fellow shows the early lunar crust, which makes up the surface of the moon, was considerably enriched in water more than 4 billion years ago, counter to previously held ...

Astronomy Jan 9, 2024

Meteorite analysis shows Earth's building blocks contained water

When our sun was a young star, 4.56 billion years ago, what is now our solar system was just a disk of rocky dust and gas. Over tens of millions of years, tiny dust pebbles coalesced, like a snowball rolling larger and larger, ...

Astronomy Dec 27, 2023

Tatahouine: 'Star Wars meteorite' sheds light on the early solar system

Locals watched in awe as a fireball exploded and hundreds of meteorite fragments rained down on the city of Tatahouine, Tunisia, on June 27, 1931. Fittingly, the city later became a major filming location for the Star Wars ...

Planetary Sciences Dec 21, 2023

Analysis finds that organic compounds in asteroids likely formed in colder regions of space

Analysis of organic compounds—called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)—extracted from the Ryugu asteroid and Murchison meteorite has found that certain PAHs likely formed in the cold areas of space between stars ...

Planetary Sciences Dec 13, 2023

Possible first ever synchrotron-based analysis of asteroid Bennu to be performed

After an amazing journey, a grain from the asteroid Bennu will be brought to Diamond Light Source, the UK's national synchrotron, for scientific measurements. The grain is from 100 milligrams of sample sent to the Natual ...

Planetary Sciences Dec 11, 2023

Ryugu samples illuminate terrestrial weathering effects on primitive meteorites

A study conducted by a team of international scientists has unveiled unprecedented insights into the nature of the asteroid Ryugu and shed light on the composition of water- and carbon-rich small bodies in the solar system. ...

Space Exploration Dec 9, 2023

The longstanding mystery of Mars' moons—and the mission that could solve it

The two small moons of Mars, Phobos (about 22km in diameter) and Deimos (about 13km in diameter), have been puzzling scientists for decades, with their origin remaining a matter of debate. Some have proposed that they may ...

Astrobiology Dec 7, 2023

Earth may have had all the elements needed for life—contrary to theories that they came from meteorites

For many years, scientists have predicted that many of the elements that are crucial ingredients for life, like sulfur and nitrogen, first came to Earth when asteroid-type objects carrying them crashed into our planet's surface.

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