Search results for inbreeding depression

Ecology May 29, 2019

Genomics of Isle Royale wolves reveal impacts of inbreeding

A new paper explores the genetic signatures of a pair of wolves isolated on Isle Royale, a remote national park in Lake Superior. The pair are father-daughter and share the same mother. Such close inbreeding leads to genetic ...

Ecology Apr 2, 2019

The decline of salmon adds to the struggle of Puget Sound's orcas

The crew of the Bell M. Shimada hauled in the net, long as a football field and teeming with life. Scientists, off the coast of Washington for a week on this June research trip, crowded in for a look.

Ecology Mar 20, 2019

Local extinction of Southern California mountain lions possible within 50 years

Two isolated mountain lion populations in southern California's Santa Ana and Santa Monica Mountains are at risk of local extinction, perhaps as soon as within 50 years, according to a study published in the journal Ecological ...

Ecology Mar 6, 2019

Translocation of bighorn sheep in Arizona has positive genetic outcomes

Translocation is an important management tool that has been used for more than 50 years to increase bighorn sheep population numbers in Arizona and to restore herds to suitable habitat throughout their historical range. Yet, ...

Ecology Feb 9, 2019

Anther rubbing, a new movement discovered in plants, promotes prior selfing

Most plants have developed mechanisms to prevent self-fertilization and its detrimental effects of inbreeding depression. Traits promoting selfing in plants have been approached mainly from the perspective of a loss of function, ...

Ecology Dec 21, 2018

Researchers explore genetics of California mountain lions to inform future conservation

Fragmentation of wildlife populations is increasing on a global scale, and understanding current genetic structure, genetic diversity and genetic connectivity is key to informing future wildlife management and conservation.

Plants & Animals Nov 30, 2018

Mammal-like milk provisioning and parental care discovered in jumping spider

Lactation is the production and secretion of milk for the young and is a mammalian attribute. However, there have been several examples of milk provisioning in non-mammals. In a study published in the journal Science on November ...

Plants & Animals Aug 24, 2018

Researchers develop cryopreservation method for ladybird beetle ovaries

A new study has found an effective way to cryopreserve and subsequently transplant ovaries of the multicolored Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis. In mammals (including humans), long-term cryopreservation of fertilized ...

Ecology Mar 22, 2018

Why populations can't be saved by a single breeding pair

Two days ago, the last male northern white rhino (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) died. His passing leaves two surviving members of his subspecies: both females who are unable to bear calves.

Ecology Aug 3, 2017

Border wall would put more than 100 endangered species at risk, says expert

Last week the U.S. House approved a spending bill that includes $1.6 billion to fund the start of the "contiguous and impassable wall" along the Mexican border. Yesterday the Department of Homeland Security issued a news ...

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