See also stories tagged with Methane

Search results for methane

Environment Aug 6, 2024

Tundra vegetation to grow taller, greener through 2100, study finds

Warming global climate is changing the vegetation structure of forests in the far north. It's a trend that will continue at least through the end of this century, according to NASA researchers. The change in forest structure ...

Ecology Aug 2, 2024

Ancient Antarctic microorganisms are aggressive predators

In Antarctica there is a small lake, called Deep Lake, that is so salty it remains ice-free all year round despite temperatures as low as -20°C in winter. Archaea, a unique type of single-celled microorganism, thrive in ...

Agriculture Jul 1, 2024

Latin American trial heralds methane-free rice

New approaches to managing rice systems in Latin America are proving effective at reducing water usage and cutting back the high greenhouse gas emissions from a crop that feeds nearly half the world's population.

Earth Sciences Jul 16, 2024

Ground surface conditions found to impact speed and distance of leaking natural gas

When natural gas leaks from a subsurface pipeline, a ground cover of water/snow saturation, asphalt paving or a combination of these can cause the gas to migrate away from the leak site up to three to four times farther than ...

Environment Jun 4, 2024

New study confirms presence of benzene in natural gas and potential for undetectable indoor leaks

New research finds that even people with an average sense of smell could be living with a natural gas leak and not know it. The study, published in Environmental Research Letters, finds that small gas leaks can impact indoor ...

Biochemistry Jul 22, 2024

Creating carbon negative materials with ancient microbes

Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is naturally produced in many crucial industries such as agriculture and wastewater treatment. What if we could grab that gas before it goes into the atmosphere, and make something useful ...

Environment Jun 14, 2024

Converting cow manure to fuel is growing climate solution, but critics say communities put at risk

The stench of cow feces, urine and ammonia forces residents to keep windows and doors closed in parts of California's farming country. Some people constantly run air purifiers at home to counter the smell and, they say, fight ...

Biotechnology Jun 10, 2024

Protein study could help researchers develop new antibiotics

A bacterial enzyme called histidine kinase is a promising target for new classes of antibiotics. However, it has been difficult to develop drugs that target this enzyme, because it is a "hydrophobic" protein that loses its ...

Environment Jul 30, 2024

Scientists lay out three-step plan to cut overlooked methane emissions

To control the climate crisis, methane emissions must be be tackled. Methane has contributed about half the global warming experienced so far, and emissions are climbing rapidly. An international team of climate researchers ...

Environment Jul 24, 2024

Trees reveal climate surprise: Microbes living in bark remove methane from the atmosphere

Tree bark surfaces play an important role in removing methane gas from the atmosphere, according to a study published 24 July in Nature.

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