Search results for maritime archaeology

Archaeology Aug 25, 2022

Vast paleogenetic study reveals insights on migration, farming and language development across the Southern Arc

In a trio of papers, published simultaneously in the journal Science, Ron Pinhasi from the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology and Human Evolution and Archaeological Sciences (HEAS) at the University of Vienna and Songül ...

Archaeology Aug 18, 2022

New study cautions against over-interpreting influence of climate on cultural change and catastrophe

El Nino has been a major driver of societal collapse, various catastrophes and cultural change in coastal Peru for millennia, but it isn't the only culprit. In a new study, University of Maine researchers warn against over-interpreting ...

Archaeology Aug 15, 2022

Extreme heat uncovers lost villages, ancient ruins and shipwrecks

Extreme heat this year has triggered wildfires, drought and melting glaciers. Less expectedly, it's also revealed some weird and dark things about our past—shipwrecks, corpses, ghost villages, ornamental gardens and ancient ...

Archaeology Jul 28, 2022

Examination of recently discovered wreck from the 17th century

While conducting a routine measurement in the Trave river, the Kiel-Holtenau Waterways and Shipping Authority (Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt/WSA) discovered a ship at a depth of eleven meters. Researchers from Kiel ...

Archaeology Jul 26, 2022

In a first, coin bearing zodiac found off Israel's coast

Israel's Antiquities Authority said Monday it has discovered a rare 1,850-year-old bronze zodiac coin during an underwater survey off the coastal city of Haifa.

Archaeology Jul 7, 2022

Unlocking the secrets of the ancient coastal Maya

Georgia State University anthropologist Dr. Jeffrey Glover grew up in metro Atlanta, but speaking to him, it sounds like his heart is in Quintana Roo. This part of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula has been the home base for an ...

Archaeology Jun 22, 2022

Indigenous communities used the Caribbean Sea as an aquatic highway

With some 7,000 islands and cays and a 7,000-year history of human habitation, the Caribbean Sea is practically synonymous with maritime travel. The very word "canoe" is derived from the term "kana:wa," used by the Indigenous ...

Archaeology Jun 9, 2022

Wreck of historic royal ship discovered off the English coast

The wreck of one of the most famous ships of the 17th century—which sank 340 years ago while carrying the future King of England James Stuart—has been discovered off the coast of Norfolk in the UK, it can be revealed ...

Plants & Animals Jun 6, 2022

New evidence about when, where, and how chickens were domesticated

New research transforms our understanding of the circumstances and timing of the domestication of chickens, their spread across Asia into the west, and reveals the changing way in which they were perceived in societies over ...

Archaeology May 20, 2022

How seascapes of the ancient world shaped the genetic structure of European populations

Trinity scientists, along with international colleagues, have explored the importance of sea travel in prehistory by examining the genomes of ancient Maltese humans and comparing these with the genomes of this period from ...

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