Search results for AFM

Cell & Microbiology Sep 5, 2023

Researchers define protocol for high-resolution imaging of living cells using atomic force microscopy

Images of nanoscale structures inside living cells are in increasing demand for the insights into cellular structure and function that they can reveal. So far, the tools for capturing such images have been limited, but researchers ...

Nanophysics Aug 28, 2023

Visualizing the embedded twisted interfaces of two-dimensional materials

Vertically stacking two-dimensional (2D) materials to form van der Waals homo- or hetero-structures has become an effective means for regulating their physical and mechanical properties. In particular, when a small twist ...

Polymers Aug 28, 2023

Researchers produce polymers from ballbot-type carbenes for the first time

N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) are small, reactive ring molecules that bond well with metallic surfaces, and which over the past few years have attracted a great deal of interest in the field of the stable chemical modification ...

Polymers Aug 8, 2023

A nanocapsulation strategy for facile analysis and processing of insoluble aromatic polymers in water

Polymeric materials are essential for our everyday lives. In the search for new functional materials, scientists have placed focus on polymers composed of rigid aromatic frameworks, displaying unique electronical/optical ...

Superconductivity Jul 14, 2023

Uncovering spin ladders in real chemical compounds

When fabricated in one or two dimensions, systems of particles whose quantum spins interact with each other can display some unique quantum properties. Through new research published in The European Physical Journal B, Asif ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 13, 2023

New target for antibiotics promises treatment for multi-drug resistant superbugs

The World Health Organization lists bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics as one of the top 10 global health threats. Therefore, researchers are looking for new antibiotics to counter this resistance. Adéla Melcrová, ...

Biotechnology Jul 7, 2023

Experiments provide insights into the molecular mechanism for memory and learning

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Science Advances high-speed atomic force microscopy experiments that show the structural and chemical changes in an enzyme thought to play a vital role in modulating the strength ...

Condensed Matter Jun 20, 2023

Combining twistronics with spintronics could be the next giant leap in quantum electronics

Twistronics isn't a new dance move, exercise equipment, or new music fad. No, it's much cooler than any of that. It is an exciting new development in quantum physics and material science where van der Waals materials are ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 14, 2023

A novel technique to observe colloidal particle degradation in real time

In the early 2000s, scientists from the UK made a worrisome discovery that the oceans are teeming with small particles of plastic (less than one millimeter in length) due to the continuous degradation of plastic waste. These ...

Bio & Medicine May 16, 2023

High-speed atomic force microscopy reveals processes relevant to Alzheimer's disease

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Nano Letters how high-speed atomic force microscopy leads to insights into processes relevant to Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, the technique is shown to be an excellent tool for ...

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