See also stories tagged with Spitzer Space Telescope

Search results for Spitzer Space Telescope

Astronomy Jul 25, 2023

Galaxy mergers shed light on galactic evolution model

An Australian astronomer has solved a century-old mystery regarding how galaxies evolve from one type to another. The same study shows that the Milky Way, the galaxy we live in, was not always a spiral.

Astronomy Jul 20, 2023

Unexpectedly calm and remote galaxy cluster discovered

Astronomers have discovered the most distant "relaxed" galaxy cluster to date—the farthest cluster ever spotted that is not being disrupted by violent collisions with other clusters of galaxies. This finding is paving the ...

Astronomy Jun 20, 2023

Exploring Stephan's Quintet with multiple senses

Experts created two new visual and auditory experiences to explore the complexity and beauty of a compact galaxy group known as Stephan's Quintet. The guided three-dimensional visualization surveys the galaxies—their structures, ...

Astronomy Jun 20, 2023

Evidence of the amino acid tryptophan found in space

Using data from the Spitzer space observatory, Dr. Susana Iglesias-Groth, a researcher from The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), has found evidence for the existence of the amino acid tryptophan in the interstellar ...

Astronomy May 24, 2023

NASA's Chandra, Webb telescopes combine for arresting views

When multiple NASA telescopes observe the same cosmic region, the universe's true colors are revealed.

Astronomy May 19, 2023

Could NASA resurrect the Spitzer space telescope?

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope served the astronomy community well for 16 years. From its launch in 2003 to the end of its operations in January 2020, its infrared observations fueled scientific discoveries too numerous to ...

Astrobiology May 17, 2023

Astronomers discover alternative Earth likely covered with volcanoes

Imagine an Earth-sized planet that's not at all Earth-like. Half this world is locked in permanent daytime, the other half in permanent night, and it's carpeted with active volcanoes. Astronomers have discovered that planet.

Astronomy May 11, 2023

Hidden supermassive black holes brought to life by galaxies on collision course

Astronomers have found that supermassive black holes obscured by dust are more likely to grow and release tremendous amounts of energy when they are inside galaxies that are expected to collide with a neighboring galaxy. ...

Astronomy May 8, 2023

Webb looks for Fomalhaut's asteroid belt and finds much more

Astronomers used NASA's James Webb Space Telescope to image the warm dust around a nearby young star, Fomalhaut, in order to study the first asteroid belt ever seen outside of our solar system in infrared light. But to their ...

Astronomy Apr 18, 2023

NASA's TESS celebrates fifth year scanning the sky for new worlds

Now in its fifth year in space, NASA's TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) remains a rousing success. TESS's cameras have mapped more than 93% of the entire sky, discovered 329 new worlds and thousands more candidates, ...

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