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Search results for Spitzer Space Telescope

Planetary Sciences Nov 28, 2023

Research team describes the composition of asteroid Phaethon

Asteroid Phaethon, which is five kilometers in diameter, has been puzzling researchers for a long time. A comet-like tail is visible for a few days when the asteroid passes closest to the sun during its orbit.

Astronomy Nov 16, 2023

NASA telescope data becomes music you can play

For millennia, musicians have looked to the heavens for inspiration. Now a new collaboration is enabling actual data from NASA telescopes to be used as the basis for original music that can be played by humans.

Astronomy Nov 15, 2023

Webb follows neon signs toward new thinking on planet formation

Scientists are following neon signs in a search for clues to one planetary system's future and the past of another—our own solar system. Following up on a peculiar reading by NASA's previous infrared flagship observatory, ...

Astronomy Nov 6, 2023

SETI works best when telescopes double-check each other

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has evolved considerably in the past 60 years since the first experiment was conducted. This was Project Ozma, which was conducted in 1960 by Dr. Frank Drake and his colleagues ...

Astronomy Oct 26, 2023

Variable star RZ Piscium has a compact and highly perturbed debris disk, study finds

Using NASA's Spitzer and WISE space telescopes, astronomers from the Steward Observatory and elsewhere have observed a well-known variable star designated RZ Piscium. They found that the star's circumstellar debris disk is ...

Astronomy Oct 4, 2023

Astronomers watched a massive star disappear. JWST might have some answers

In 2009 a giant star 25 times more massive than the sun simply vanished. OK, it wasn't quite that simple. It underwent a period of brightening, increasing in luminosity to a million suns, just as if it was ready to explode ...

Astronomy Aug 31, 2023

Webb reveals new structures within iconic supernova

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has begun the study of one of the most renowned supernovae, SN 1987A (Supernova 1987A). Located 168,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud, SN 1987A has been a target of intense ...

Astronomy Aug 23, 2023

James Webb Space Telescope survey reveals fewer supermassive black holes than presumed

A University of Kansas survey of a swath of the cosmos using the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed active galactic nuclei (AGN)—supermassive black holes that are rapidly increasing in size—are rarer than many astronomers ...

Astronomy Jul 27, 2023

Hubble sees evaporating planet getting the hiccups

Life around an ill-tempered red dwarf star is no fun for accompanying newborn planets. Call it a baptism of fire. Entangled magnetic fields cause a red dwarf to spit out "super-flares" that are 100 to 1,000 times more powerful ...

Astronomy Jul 25, 2023

Galaxy mergers shed light on galactic evolution model

An Australian astronomer has solved a century-old mystery regarding how galaxies evolve from one type to another. The same study shows that the Milky Way, the galaxy we live in, was not always a spiral.

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