Search results for fluid mechanics

Soft Matter Oct 31, 2017

Pseudopod protrusions propel amoeboid cells forward: A 3-D swimming model

Rhythmic patterns and precise motions—these are key elements of proper swimming. Olympians demonstrate repeated patterns of breathing, with synchronized head, leg and arm movements, enthralling spectators and provoking ...

Condensed Matter Aug 23, 2016

Study reveals new physics of how fluids flow in porous media

One of the most promising approaches to curbing the flow of human-made greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is to capture these gases at major sources, such as fossil-fuel-burning power plants, and then inject them into deep, ...

Soft Matter Nov 30, 2015

Liquid foam: Plastic, elastic and fluid

What differentiates complex fluids from mere fluids? What makes them unique is that they are neither solid nor liquid. Among such complex fluids are foams. They are used as a model to understand the mechanisms underlying ...

General Physics Jul 30, 2015

Robotic insect mimics nature's extreme moves

The concept of walking on water might sound supernatural, but in fact it is a quite natural phenomenon. Many small living creatures leverage water's surface tension to maneuver themselves around. One of the most complex maneuvers, ...

Soft Matter Mar 6, 2015

Mathematicians model fluids at the mesoscale

When it comes to boiling water—or the phenomenon of applying heat to a liquid until it transitions to a gas—is there anything left for today's scientists to study? The surprising answer is, yes, quite a bit. How the bubbles ...

Quantum Physics Mar 24, 2014

Hunt for an 'unidentified electron object'

New research sheds light on the nature of 'unidentified electron objects'—a mysterious class of objects that exists in superfluid helium at low temperature.

Engineering Feb 11, 2014

Mechanical engineer investigates passive cooling system for microelectronics

On a cold February day, heat is a good thing, but not when it comes to electronics. Assistant professor Gregory Michna of the SDSU Mechanical Engineering Department is developing a means of cooling laptops and portable electronic ...

Engineering Apr 24, 2013

From molecules to gallons: Scaling up fuels created by artificial photosynthesis

( —Artificial photosynthesis is a dream technology that mimics a natural leaf, converting water and carbon dioxide into fuels with sunlight. But before this technology can take flight, scientists will have to solve ...

Quantum Physics Dec 4, 2012

The dance of quantum tornadoes

Tornado-like vortexes can be produced in bizarre fluids which are controlled by quantum mechanics, completely unlike normal liquids. New research published today in the journal Nature Communications demonstrates how massed ...

General Physics May 29, 2012

Irish mathematicians explain why Guinness bubbles sink (w/ video)

( -- Why do the bubbles in a glass of stout beer such as Guinness sink while the beer is settling, even though the bubbles are lighter than the surrounding liquid? That’s been a puzzling question until now, ...

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