See also stories tagged with Microbiology

Search results for Microbiology

Biochemistry Jan 30, 2023

New screening method could pave the way for future cancer drug discoveries

The laboratories of Brian Bachmann, professor of chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacology, and Jonathan Irish, associate professor of cell and developmental biology and pathology, microbiology and immunology, have developed ...

Plants & Animals Jan 25, 2023

Plant protection of the future may come from the plants themselves

Humans and animals all have chemical and microbial signatures that influence their well-being in one way or another. In medicine, the use of probiotics rather than antibiotics has become high on the agenda. However, humans ...

Plants & Animals Jan 25, 2023

No spread of H5N1 bird flu between mammals found

Mammals can become infected with the highly pathogenic (HPAI) avian influenza H5N1 virus when they feed on infected sick or dead wild birds. Studies by Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) show that there is no spread ...

Ecology Jan 24, 2023

Testing their mettle: How bacteria in deep-sea vents deal with toxic metal environments

When imagining the deep sea, we often think of a cold, dark and empty wasteland, sparsely populated by monstrous-looking creatures of the deep. But in fissures along the seabed, ocean water superheated by the Earth's magma ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 19, 2023

Methane-generating microbe can grow on toxic sulfite without becoming poisoned

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology reveal how a methane-generating microbe can grow on toxic sulfite without becoming poisoned.

Cell & Microbiology Jan 18, 2023

New study decodes one of the world's fastest cell movements

Heliozoan axopodia are important for their motility. However, the underlying mechanism of their axopodial contraction has remained ambiguous. Recently, researchers from the Okayama University reported that microtubules are ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 17, 2023

Scientists discover potential new method to treat superbug infections

Scientists at University of Galway delved into the issue of antimicrobial resistance—one of the greatest threats to human health—discovering the potential to improve treatment options for superbug MRSA infections using ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 16, 2023

Researchers evaluate mass spectrometry approaches for mold identification

In recent years, filamentous fungi or molds have emerged as causative agents underlying life-threatening infections in immunocompromised individuals. The timely management of these infections requires the rapid and accurate ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 16, 2023

Plasmids and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes

Though the harnessing of antibiotics is one of the most significant human innovations, their efficacy is continuously eroded by the craftiness of their microbial targets. Once a single bacterium mutates to become resistant ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 13, 2023

Methane 'gobbling' microorganism is a shape shifter

A microorganism that helps reduce the release of the greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere has been found to be a "shape shifter" capable of markedly changing its appearance and metabolism to rapidly respond to changes ...

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