Search results for machine learning

Analytical Chemistry Aug 25, 2022

New machine-learning approach facilitates molecular conformer search in complex molecules

CEST researchers developed a new machine learning approach based on a low-energy latent space (LOLS) and density functional theory (DFT) to search for molecular conformers.

Optics & Photonics Aug 5, 2022

Machine learning reveals hidden components of X-ray pulses

Ultrafast pulses from X-ray lasers reveal how atoms move at timescales of a femtosecond. That's a quadrillionth of a second. However, measuring the properties of the pulses themselves is challenging. While determining a pulse's ...

Quantum Physics Aug 4, 2022

First studies with Quantum Machine Learning at LHCb

The LHCb experiment at CERN recently announced the first proton-proton collisions at a world-record energy with its brand-new detector designed to cope with much more demanding data-taking conditions.

Polymers Aug 3, 2022

Machine learning enables optimal design of anti-biofouling polymer brush films

Polymer brush films consists of monomer chains grown in close proximity on a substrate. The monomers, which look like "bristles" at the nanoscale, form a highly functional and versatile coating, such that it can selectively ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 19, 2022

Machine learning paves the way for smarter particle accelerators

Scientists have developed a new machine-learning platform that makes the algorithms that control particle beams and lasers smarter than ever before. Their work could help lead to the development of new and improved particle ...

Planetary Sciences Jul 12, 2022

Machine learning identifies crater that ejected famous Martian rock

New Curtin-led research has pinpointed the exact home of the oldest and most famous Martian meteorite for the first time ever, offering critical geological clues about the earliest origins of Mars.

Cell & Microbiology Jul 7, 2022

Machine learning begins to understand human gut

The communities formed by human gut microbes can now be predicted more accurately with a new computer model developed in a collaboration between biologists and engineers, led by the University of Michigan and the University ...

Condensed Matter Jun 23, 2022

Using machine learning to narrow down the possibilities for a better quantum tunneling interface

A pair of researchers at Fudan University in China has used machine learning to narrow the list of possible improved tunneling interface configurations for use in transistors. They have published their results in Physical ...

General Physics Jun 15, 2022

Researchers model accelerator magnets' history using machine learning approach

After a long day of work, you might feel tired or exhilarated. Either way, you are affected by what happened to you in the past.

Agriculture Jun 7, 2022

Machine learning helps determine health of soybean fields

Using a combination of drones and machine learning techniques, researchers from The Ohio State University have recently developed a novel method for determining crop health and used it to create a new tool that may aid future ...

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