Search results for robotic materials

Materials Science Oct 8, 2019

An intelligent, shape-morphing, self-healing material for integrated artificial muscle and nervous tissue

Advances in the fields of soft robotics, wearable technologies and human/machine interfaces require a new class of stretchable materials that can change shape adaptively while relying only on portable electronics for power. ...

General Physics Oct 1, 2019

Squid-inspired robots might have environmental, propulsion applications

Inspired by the unique and efficient swimming strategy of cephalopods, scientists developed an aquatic robot that mimics their form of propulsion.

Optics & Photonics Sep 25, 2019

Mosquito eye inspires artificial compound lens

Anyone who's tried to swat a pesky mosquito knows how quickly the insects can evade a hand or fly swatter. The pests' compound eyes, which provide a wide field of view, are largely responsible for these lightning-fast actions. ...

Earth Sciences Sep 20, 2019

Ocean robots take the pulse of our planet by measuring microbes

It looks like a trashcan bobbing in the waters off the California coast. But it's hardly garbage. In fact, it may play a key role in monitoring the health of our oceans.

Archaeology Sep 18, 2019

Inequality: What we've learned from the 'Robots of the late Neolithic'

Seven thousand years ago, societies across Eurasia began to show signs of lasting divisions between haves and have-nots. In new research published in the journal Antiquity, scientists chart the precipitous surge of prehistoric ...

Nanophysics Sep 17, 2019

Colloidal nanotweezers are new tool for advanced particle manipulation

Tools for manipulating small suspended particles such as cells, micro-particles and nanoparticles play an essential role in the advancement of fundamental science and discovery of new technologies. Especially, manipulation ...

General Physics Sep 11, 2019

Soft-bodied swimming robot uses only light for power and steering

In a paper in Science Robotics, materials scientists from the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering describe a new design for a swimming robot that's both powered and steered by constant light.

Bio & Medicine Sep 3, 2019

Biodegradable anti-cancer treatment micro-robot

Professor Hongsoo Choi's research team in the Department of Robotics Engineering & DGIST-ETH Microrobot Research Center (DEMRC) at DGIST (President Young Kuk) succeeded in developing a biodegradable micro-robot that can perform ...

General Physics Aug 28, 2019

Smarter experiments for faster materials discovery

A team of scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory designed, created, and successfully tested a new algorithm to make smarter scientific measurement ...

Materials Science Aug 28, 2019

Engineers develop bone-like metal foam that can be 'healed' at room temperature

For 6,000 years, humans have been making things from metal because it's strong and tough; a lot of energy is required to damage it. The flip side of this property is that a lot of energy is required to repair that damage. ...

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