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Search results for meteorite

Earth Sciences Jan 7, 2020

International team starts on drilling expedition

The Earth's Cenozoic Era began 66 million years ago with a bang—and with the last mass extinction event on Earth until now. The meteorite impact that marked the end of the Cretaceous Period and the beginning of the Cenozoic ...

Earth Sciences Jan 3, 2020

Evidence suggests ancient impact crater buried under Bolaven volcanic field

A team of researchers with members from Singapore, the U.S., Thailand and Laos has concluded that the impact point of a meteorite that struck the Earth approximately 790,000 years ago lies buried beneath a volcanic field ...

Space Exploration Dec 24, 2019

Our favorite holiday gift? A box of Apollo moon soil

Fortunately for today's scientists, Apollo-era leaders had the foresight to save much of the 842 pounds (382 kilograms) of Moon soil and rocks retrieved by NASA astronauts 50 years ago for future generations. They figured ...

Space Exploration Dec 19, 2019

Ap­proach to make quicker and more ex­act ana­lyses of fire­ball ob­ser­va­tions

There is not enough time for more close study of all fireballs observed in the sky. The observation of a bright phenomenon reveals that a meteoroid has entered the atmosphere from space, but does any part of it end up on ...

Astronomy Dec 17, 2019

Meteorites lend clues to solar system's origin

The isotopic composition of meteorites and terrestrial planets holds important clues about the earliest history of the solar system and the processes of planet formation.

Astronomy Dec 10, 2019

Stardust from red giants

Some of the Earth's building material was stardust from red giants, researchers from ETH Zurich have established. They have also explained why the Earth contains more of this stardust than the asteroids or the planet Mars, ...

Astrobiology Dec 3, 2019

Meteorite-loving microorganism

Chemolithotrophic microorganisms derive their energy from inorganic sources. Research into the physiological processes of these organisms—which are grown on meteorite—provides new insights into the potential of extraterrestrial ...

Space Exploration Nov 25, 2019

Ice fossils found in meteorite

A team of researchers from Japan, China and the U.K. has found evidence of ice fossils on the surface of a meteorite. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes their close-up study of the ...

Earth Sciences Nov 20, 2019

New study reveals secrets of Wolfe Creek Crater

A study by an international research team led by Professor Tim Barrows from the University of Wollongong has thrown new light on how frequently large meteorites strike the Earth.

Space Exploration Nov 19, 2019

First detection of sugars in meteorites gives clues to origin of life

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