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Search results for Microbiology

Cell & Microbiology Mar 17, 2023

Study sheds light on ancient microbial dark matter

Bacteria are literally everywhere—in oceans, in soils, in extreme environments like hot springs, and even alongside and inside other organisms including humans. They're nearly invisible, yet they play a big role in almost ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 16, 2023

Self-poisoning for self-preservation—examining the function of Streptomyces nano-syringes

A novel role for molecular nano-syringes found in the antibiotic-producing bacteria Streptomyces has been revealed.

Cell & Microbiology Mar 13, 2023

The right cocktail of gut enzymes can stop C. difficile in its tracks

Not all probiotics are created equal. In a new study, researchers found that certain enzymes within a class known as bile salt hydrolases (BSHs) can restrict Clostridioides difficile (C. diff.) colonization by both altering ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 10, 2023

Microbes can create a more peaceful world: Scientists issue call to action

Microorganisms should be 'weaponized' to stave off conflicts across the globe, according to a team of eminent microbiologists.

Cell & Microbiology Mar 9, 2023

Researchers prove that tough, woody lignin can be broken down in an anaerobic environment

It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. In this case, the "job" is the breakdown of lignin, the structural biopolymer that gives stems, bark and branches their signature woodiness. One of the most abundant terrestrial ...

Ecology Mar 9, 2023

Life in the smoke of underwater volcanoes

Deep down in the ocean at tectonic plate boundaries, hot fluids rise from hydrothermal vents. The fluids are devoid of oxygen and contain large amounts of metals such as iron, manganese or copper. Some may also transport ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 6, 2023

Lab shows phage attacks in new light

As antibacterial resistance continues to render obsolete the use of some antibiotics, some have turned to bacteria-killing viruses to treat acute infections as well as some chronic illnesses.

Cell & Microbiology Mar 1, 2023

Studies yield a better understanding of how cyanobacteria take advantage of glucose

Three UCO studies delve into how the Earth's most abundant photosynthetic organisms, marine cyanobacteria, are also able to obtain energy from organic substances, such as glucose

Cell & Microbiology Feb 23, 2023

A probiotic for our lungs? New research poses questions about the future of treating COVID-19

If we have learned one thing post-pandemic, it is that there is so much more to learn about the effects of COVID-19 on the population. A study published in Microbial Genomics has brought us a step closer to understanding ...

Cell & Microbiology Feb 23, 2023

Signaling proteins shown to play key role in tuberculosis biology

A set of 10 signaling proteins found in the microbe that causes tuberculosis (TB) play a far larger role in regulating the bacterium's growth, development and behavior than previously thought, according to recent research. ...

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