Search results for zeolite

Materials Science Sep 24, 2013

Catalytic tandem reaction for conversion of lignin and bio-oil by hydroxylation of phenols to form arenes

( —Biomass, which is useful as a supplement or replacement for petroleum, is processed in biorefineries and can be used as fuels or starting materials for the production of chemicals. However, the high oxygen content ...

Other Sep 23, 2013

Cutting pneumonia deaths with electricity-free oxygen devices

Pneumonia kills more children worldwide than malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis combined. This is surprising given that treatment for pneumonia is relatively simple. In rich countries survival rates are very high, but in remote ...

Materials Science Sep 10, 2013

How the newest diesel engines emit very little greenhouse gas nitrous oxide

( —The newest catalytic converters in diesel engines blast away a pollutant from combustion with the help of ammonia. Common in European cars, the engines exhaust harmless nitrogen and water. How they do this hasn't ...

Environment Aug 22, 2013

How does your garden grow?

Food and biofuel crops could be grown and maintained in many places where it wasn't previously possible, such as deserts, landfills and former mining sites, thanks to an inexpensive, non-chemical soil additive.

Materials Science Aug 13, 2013

Upsalite: Scientists make 'impossible material'... by accident

Researchers in Uppsala, Sweden accidentally left a reaction running over the weekend and ended up resolving a century-old chemistry problem. Their work has led to the development of a new material, dubbed Upsalite, with remarkable ...

Nanomaterials Jul 17, 2013

Impossible material with world record breaking surface area made by swedish researchers

A novel material with world record breaking surface area and water adsorption abilities has been synthesized by researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden. The results are published today in PLOS ONE.

Materials Science Jul 16, 2013

Using pressure to swell pores, not crush them

More than a decade ago, Thomas Vogt and Yongjae Lee, then colleagues at Brookhaven National Laboratory, uncovered a counter-intuitive property of zeolites. When they put these porous minerals in water, and then put the water ...

Materials Science Jun 18, 2013

Working backward: Computer-aided design of zeolite templates

( —Taking a page from computer-aided drug designers, Rice University researchers have developed a computational method that chemists can use to tailor the properties of zeolites, one of the world's most-used industrial ...

Materials Science Jun 17, 2013

Making alternative fuels cheaper: New synthesis could make biofuel more appealing for mass production

MIT chemical engineers have devised a cheaper way to synthesize a key biofuel component, which could make its industrial production much more cost-effective.

Materials Science May 29, 2013

Chemical engineers discover 'ultraselective' process to make valuable chemical from biomass

( —Chemical engineering researchers Wei Fan, Paul Dauenhauer and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Amherst report this week that they've discovered a new chemical process to make p-xylene, an important ...

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