Search results for signal gain

Materials Science Apr 24, 2020

Two steps closer to flexible, powerful, fast bioelectronic devices

Dion Khodagholy, assistant professor of electrical engineering, is focused on developing bioelectronic devices that are not only fast, sensitive, biocompatible, soft, and flexible, but also have long-term stability in physiological ...

Evolution Apr 17, 2020

To warn or to hide from predators? New computer simulation provides answers

Scientists have understood quite well why so many poisonous or bad-tasting animals have brightly colored bodies—the colors send a message to the predators: "Don't eat me, or you'll get sick and die." These permanent warning ...

Nanophysics Apr 17, 2020

A robust, sensitive thin-film X-ray detector using 2-D layered perovskite diodes

In a new report on Science Advances, Hsinhan Tsai and a research team in materials, nanotechnology, nuclear engineering and X-ray science at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Argonne National Laboratory in the U.S. ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 26, 2020

Making sense of cells: Model determines which techniques cells employ to increase sensitivity

The body's ability to detect disease, foreign material, and the location of food sources and toxins is all determined by a cocktail of chemicals that surround cells, as well as the cells' ability to 'read' these chemicals. ...

Analytical Chemistry Mar 26, 2020

A wearable, freestanding electrochemical sensing system

In a new study published on Science Advances, Yichao Zhao and a research team in integrated bioelectronics and materials and engineering in the U.S. engineered a disposable, free-standing electrochemical sensing system (FESS). ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 24, 2020

Teamwork in a cell: The cytoskeleton from a bird's eye perspective

The cytoskeleton is a permanent construction site consisting of protein filaments that are continually lengthening and shortening in a dynamic process. Through these remodeling processes, the cell can change its shape and ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 20, 2020

New mechanism of optical gain in two-dimensional material requires only extremely low input power

Optical gain is a prerequisite for signal amplification in an optical amplifier or laser. It typically requires high levels of current injection in conventional semiconductors. By exploring an intricate balance and conversion ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 19, 2020

Researchers demonstrate first terahertz quantum sensing

Quantum physicists rely on quantum sensing as a highly attractive method to access spectral regions and detect photons (tiny packets of light) that are generally technically challenging. They can gather sample information ...

General Physics Mar 17, 2020

Seeing with electrons: scientists pave the way to more affordable and accessible cryo-EM

Visualizing the structure of viruses, proteins and other small biomolecules can help scientists gain deeper insights into how these molecules function, potentially leading to new treatments for disease. In recent years, a ...

General Physics Mar 4, 2020

25 years on: A single top quark partners with the Z boson

A quarter-century after its discovery, physicists at the ATLAS Experiment at CERN are gaining new insight into the heaviest-known particle, the top quark. The huge amount of data collected during Run 2 of the LHC (2015-2018) ...

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