Search results for error detection

Mathematics Jan 15, 2020

From election upsets to climate chaos, rolling the dice helps us appreciate the odds

"He [God] does not play dice," quipped Albert Einstein, but for mortals chance is part of life. We cannot experience, measure and predict with absolute certainty. We may win a prize in a Christmas raffle. There's also a small ...

Veterinary medicine Dec 11, 2019

'Invisible,' restricted horse racing therapy may leave a trail

A treatment called extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is used in patients both human and equine to speed healing of injured tendons and ligaments. Using high-pressure sonic waves, ESWT is thought to increase blood flow ...

Earth Sciences Dec 10, 2019

Better estimating snowfall depth remotely

Precipitation that falls on the ground in liquid form can be measured with relatively high accuracy. As soon as it turns to snowfall, however, various difficulties arise. For mountain regions, the amount of snow is an important ...

Materials Science Dec 6, 2019

Surface effects affect the distribution of hydrogen in metals

The researchers from Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) and Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences studied the distribution of hydrogen in metals in the ...

Social Sciences Dec 3, 2019

If our plan fails, can we improvise?

There is an old Yiddish proverb that says "Man plans and God laughs". Most—if not all—of us have experienced the truth of this proverb, and faced the failure of our plans. No matter how good you are planning, fluid, changing ...

Nanomaterials Nov 27, 2019

Molecular eraser enables better data storage and computers for AI

Scientists have added a crucial tool to the atomic-scale manufacturing toolkit with major implications for today's data driven—carbon intensive—world, according to new research from the University of Alberta in Canada.

Bio & Medicine Nov 25, 2019

Determining topographical radiation dose profiles using gel nanosensors

The routine measurement of radiation doses can be clinically challenging due to limitations with conventional dosimeters used to measure the dose uptake of external ionizing radiation. In a new study, Karthik Pushpavanam ...

Optics & Photonics Nov 11, 2019

Smart metamaterials that sense and reprogram themselves

Materials scientists aim to engineer intelligence into the fabric of materials or metamaterials for programmable functions. Engineering efforts can vary from passive to active forms to develop programmable metasurfaces using ...

Economics & Business Oct 30, 2019

Study considers double-edged sword of trust in regulatory agencies' monitoring of firms

Governmental and third-party regulatory agencies (e.g., the Securities and Exchange Commission and independent auditing firms) are charged with monitoring firms to guard against behaviors that might have negative consequences ...

Social Sciences Oct 30, 2019

CSI: current research into the impact of bias on crime scene forensics is limited – but psychologists can help

When a jury decides the fate of a person, they do so based on the evidence presented to them in the courtroom. Evidence obtained from forensic analysis, such as DNA analysis, is often interpreted as strong evidence by jurors.

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