Search results for zeolite

Materials Science Nov 17, 2014

Revolutionary solar-friendly form of silicon shines

Silicon is the second most-abundant element in the earth's crust. When purified, it takes on a diamond structure, which is essential to modern electronic devices—carbon is to biology as silicon is to technology. A team ...

Materials Science Oct 23, 2014

Waste, an alternative source of energy to petroleum

The group led by Martín Olazar, researcher in the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country's Department of Chemical Engineering, is studying the development of sustainable refineries where it is possible to produce fuels ...

Nanophysics Oct 16, 2014

Two-element atomic chain synthesized using microscopic space inside a carbon nanotube

Kazutomo Suenaga of the Nanotube Research Center of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Ryosuke Senga of the Nano-carbon Characterization Team, NTRC, AIST, have synthesized an atomic ...

Materials Science Aug 18, 2014

Cherry picking molecules based on their Pi electrons

Specialized windshield glass, everyday plastic water bottles, and countless other products are based on ethylene, a simple two-carbon molecule, which requires an energy-intense separation process to pluck the desired chemical ...

Materials Science Aug 10, 2014

Carbon dioxide 'sponge' could ease transition to cleaner energy

A sponge-like plastic that sops up the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) might ease our transition away from polluting fossil fuels and toward new energy sources, such as hydrogen. The material—a relative of the plastics ...

Engineering Jul 31, 2014

Comfortable climate indoors with porous glass

Proper humidity and temperature play a key role in indoor climate. In the future, establishing a comfortable indoor environment may rely on porous glass incorporated into plaster, as this regulates moisture particularly well ...

Materials Science Jul 24, 2014

A new approach to creating organic zeolites

Yushan Yan, Distinguished Professor of Engineering at the University of Delaware, is known worldwide for using nanomaterials to solve problems in energy engineering, environmental sustainability and electronics.

Materials Science Jul 3, 2014

Hollow-fiber membranes could cut separation costs, energy use

Researchers have developed a microfluidic technique for fabricating a new class of metal-organic framework (MOF) membranes inside hollow polymer fibers that are just a few hundred microns in diameter. The new fabrication ...

Materials Science May 28, 2014

Better catalysts for the petrochemical industry

When crude oil is refined to fuels and chemicals, help is at hand—in the form of so-called catalysts. Scientists now provide a reference parameter for the performance of an important class of catalysts for petrochemical ...

Nanomaterials May 15, 2014

Researchers find definitive evidence of how zeolites grow

Researchers have found the first definitive evidence of how silicalite-1 (MFI type) zeolites grow, showing that growth is a concerted process involving both the attachment of nanoparticles and the addition of molecules.

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