See also stories tagged with Nanotechnology

Search results for nano

Biochemistry Oct 18, 2019

Energy flow in the nano range

Plants and bacteria can capture the energy of sunlight with light-harvesting antennas and transfer it to a reaction center. Transporting energy efficiently and in a targeted fashion in a minimum of space is also of interest ...

Nanophysics Oct 14, 2019

The nano-guitar string that plays itself

Scientists at Lancaster University and the University of Oxford have created a nano-electronic circuit which vibrates without any external force.

Optics & Photonics Sep 20, 2019

New method for the measurement of nano-structured light fields

Structured laser light has already opened up various different applications: it allows for precise material machining, trapping, manipulating or defined movement of small particles or cell compartments, as well as increasing ...

Nanophysics Sep 19, 2019

Nano bulb lights novel path: Engineers create tunable, nanoscale, incandescent light source

What may be viewed as the world's smallest incandescent lightbulb is shining in a Rice University engineering laboratory with the promise of advances in sensing, photonics and perhaps computing platforms beyond the limitations ...

Bio & Medicine Sep 18, 2019

DNA 'origami' takes flight in emerging field of nano machines

Just as the steam engine set the stage for the Industrial Revolution, and micro transistors sparked the digital age, nanoscale devices made from DNA are opening up a new era in bio-medical research and materials science.

Optics & Photonics Aug 23, 2019

Save time using maths: Analytical tool designs corkscrew-shaped nano-antennae

The nanostructures from Katja Höflich's HZB team are shaped like corkscrews and made of silver. Mathematically, such a nano antenna can be regarded as an one-dimensional line that forms a helix, characterized by parameters ...

Nanophysics Aug 22, 2019

Nano-thermometer takes temperature inside cells

How do you know a cell has a fever? Take its temperature.

Bio & Medicine Aug 16, 2019

A novel cellular process to engulf nano-sized materials

Nanometers are one billionth of a meter, a metric typically used to measure molecules and scientific building blocks not visible to the human eye. Materials of tens and/or several hundred nanometers in diameter have unique ...

Bio & Medicine Aug 15, 2019

A new way to hoard resources in nano-sized factories targeted for biotech

The lab of Cheryl Kerfeld at Michigan State University has created a synthetic nano-sized factory, based on natural ones found in bacteria. This research could someday lead to new medical, industrial or bioenergy applications.

General Physics Aug 7, 2019

Spinning towards robust microwave generation on the nano scale

Spin-torque oscillators (STOs) are nanoscale devices that generate microwaves using changes in magnetic field direction, but those produced by any individual device are too weak for practical applications. Physicists have ...

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