Search results for rotating mechanism

Planetary Sciences Jun 11, 2024

ALMA observations reveal new insights into planet formation in binary star systems

At the 244th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), researchers unveiled findings from a pioneering high-angular resolution program that sheds new light on the process of planet formation in circumstellar disks ...

Space Exploration Jun 11, 2024

Researchers explore how the immune system goes awry during space travel and the implications for human aging on Earth

As long as humans have been traveling into space, astronauts have experienced significant health effects from the extreme conditions of space flight, notably the reduction of gravity.

Social Sciences Jun 11, 2024

Bicycles can change lives, especially in rural Africa—new report looks at their use in Ghana and Malawi

To many people around the world bicycles are a crucial means of transport, especially for carrying loads in rural areas. While their benefits are huge and many organizations are working on making access to bicycles a reality, ...

Ecology Jun 10, 2024

Farming with a mixture of crops, animals and trees is better for the environment—evidence from Ghana and Malawi suggests

Farming just one kind of crop in a field at a time, and using a lot of chemicals, poses a risk to both people and nature. This simplified intensive agriculture often goes hand in hand with increased greenhouse gas emissions, ...

Polymers Jun 3, 2024

Using pyrolysis for high-quality recycled plastics

Plastics made of polycarbonate are sought-after materials in industrial applications thanks to their versatility and high quality. However, recycling of plastic waste is still running up against limits these days, as mechanical ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 3, 2024

Enhancing nanofibrous acoustic energy harvesters with AI

Scientists at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI), have employed artificial intelligence techniques to improve the design and production of nanofibers used in wearable nanofiber acoustic energy harvesters ...

Planetary Sciences May 31, 2024

An outlandish molecule may be lurking inside Uranus and Neptune, affecting their magnetic fields

Skoltech scientists and their Chinese colleagues have determined the conditions that enable the existence of a very peculiar ion. Dubbed aquodiium, it can be conceptualized as an ordinary neutral molecule of water with two ...

Astronomy May 31, 2024

Dark matter could make our galaxy's innermost stars immortal

Stars near the center of our galaxy are acting kind of weird. Dark matter may be the explanation.

Astronomy May 29, 2024

First detection of magnetic massive stars outside our galaxy

For the first time, magnetic fields have been detected in three massive, hot stars in our neighboring galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. While magnetic massive stars have already been detected in our own galaxy, ...

Condensed Matter May 29, 2024

New study is step towards energy-efficient quantum computing in magnets

Researchers from Lancaster University and Radboud University Nijmegen have managed to generate propagating spin waves at the nanoscale and discovered a novel pathway to modulate and amplify them.

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