Search results for psychopath

Political science Sep 19, 2019

Pathological power: The danger of governments led by narcissists and psychopaths

After spending his early life suffering under the Nazis and then Stalin, the Polish psychologist Andrew Lobaczewski devoted his career to studying the relationship between psychological disorders and politics. He wanted to ...

Social Sciences Dec 18, 2018

Criminal history strong indicator for future violent crime

A life sentence in many states rarely means offenders will spend a lifetime behind bars. In fact, offenders sentenced for murder served just 15 years on average before initial release from state prison, according to a recent ...

Social Sciences Jul 10, 2018

How to get culture right when embedding it into AI

If, like Rip Van Winkle, you've been asleep for the last decade and have just woken up, that flip phone you have has become super-popular among retro technologists and survivalists alike, and, oh yeah, Artificial Intelligence ...

Computer Sciences Jun 12, 2018

'Norman,' when artificial intelligence goes psycho

No, it's not a new horror film. It's Norman: also known as the first psychopathic artificial intelligence, just unveiled by US researchers.

Social Sciences May 24, 2018

How remorse alone can sometimes change the past for those who have been wronged

Remorse is one of the most significant and least understood influences on the length of the sentence imposed by a criminal court. A survey of Crown Courts in England and Wales found that remorse was the single most common ...

Social Sciences Feb 2, 2018

How serial killers capitalize on chaos, according to an expert

In 2017, the University of Wisconsin-Madison was ranked by the Princeton Review as the top party school in the United States, but it's also the focus of my recent true crime title, Mad City.

Economics & Business Jan 23, 2018

Flourishing under an abusive boss? You may be a psychopath, study shows

When you hear the term "psychopath," you probably picture Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer. Psychologists, however, define it as a personality trait, and we all fall somewhere along a scale from low to high levels of psychopathy.

Economics & Business Aug 9, 2017

Some workers 'cyberloaf' if they think they can get away with it, so employers need to get creative

Sending personal emails, a bit of online shopping, checking out your friend's holiday snaps on Facebook: if you break up your work day with online activities that aren't work-related, you may be guilty of "cyberloafing".

Social Sciences May 29, 2017

What science can reveal about the psychological profiles of terrorists

What went though the mind of the suicide bomber Salman Abedi just before he blew himself up in Manchester this week, killing 22 people? We often dismiss terrorists as non-humans, monsters, at first. But when we learn that ...

Social Sciences May 22, 2017

The right thing to do: Why do we follow unspoken group rules?

How you dress, talk, eat and even what you allow yourself to feel - these often unspoken rules of a group are social norms, and many are internalized to such a degree that you probably don't even notice them. Following norms, ...

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