Search results for jonathan swift

Internet Dec 18, 2017

Twitter suspends white nationalists as it enforces new rules

Twitter suspended the accounts of well-known white nationalists Monday, moving swiftly to enforce its new rules aimed at reducing what it deems abusive content.

Astronomy Apr 19, 2017

Ultraviolet spectroscopic evolution of a tidal disruption event investigated by astronomers

(—An international team of astronomers led by Jonathan S. Brown of the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, has studied the ultraviolet spectroscopic evolution of a nearby low-luminosity tidal disruption event ...

Social Sciences Nov 30, 2016

Overlooked elements of language and literature play a key role

Everything is pointing towards success in unravelling the mysteries inherent in every human language, which for nearly 100 years have been an object of intrigue for mathematicians and linguists working on studies into statistics ...

Social Sciences Nov 23, 2016

Conservatives visualize Syrian refugees as small, but also threatening, study finds

Building upon previous research, a new UCLA-led study found that people who hold more conservative beliefs are more likely to perceive foreigners such as Syrian refugees as threatening, yet visualize them as physically smaller. ...

Astronomy Aug 10, 2016

Among galaxies, a voracious flea

Even a dwarf galaxy with very low mass is capable of accreting smaller nearby galaxies, according to an international team of astronomers led by Francesca Annibali of INAF, the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics. ...

Materials Science Jul 18, 2016

Tiny transformers: Chemists create microscopic and malleable building blocks

Taking a page from Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", a team of scientists has created malleable and microscopic self-assembling particles that can serve as the next generation of building blocks in the creation of synthetic ...

Astronomy Jun 21, 2016

Astronomers find the first 'wind nebula' around a magnetar

Astronomers have discovered a vast cloud of high-energy particles called a wind nebula around a rare ultra-magnetic neutron star, or magnetar, for the first time. The find offers a unique window into the properties, environment ...

Environment Mar 1, 2016

Experts assess the impact of climate change on public health

Climate change is already having a noticeable impact on the environment and global health. Around the world extreme weather events, increased temperatures, drought, and rising sea levels are all adversely affecting our ability ...

Internet Dec 9, 2015

Spotify mulls a 'paid only' option for new music releases

Music-streaming giant Spotify is toying with the idea of allowing musicians to reserve new releases for paying subscribers, although it balked at doing so for Coldplay's latest album, according to a person familiar with the ...

Biotechnology Sep 15, 2015

Sweeping study of US farm data shows loss of crop diversity the past 34 years

U.S. farmers are growing fewer types of crops than they were 34 years ago, which could have implications for how farms fare as changes to the climate evolve, according to a large-scale study by Kansas State University, North ...

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