Search results for jonathan swift

Environment Mar 3, 2020

Ocean protection plan charts course for defending California coast

A new ocean protection plan sets out steps to safeguard California's coast against rising seas, while shoring up public access and building coastal economies.

Environment Feb 3, 2020

Study: Aerosols have an outsized impact on extreme weather

Scientists at Caltech and JPL have tied a shift in winter weather patterns in Europe and northern Eurasia to a reduction in air pollution.

Social Sciences Jan 27, 2020

Do robots and snails deserve human rights?

In 1999, Sony launched Aibo, a line of robotic dogs designed to provide companionship to Japanese families. It could follow its owner around the house, wag its tail and respond to commands—all without the vet bills, bathroom ...

Plants & Animals Jan 21, 2020

Vomiting bumblebees show that sweeter is not necessarily better

Animal pollinators support the production of three-quarters of the world's food crops, and many flowers produce nectar to reward the pollinators. A new study using bumblebees has found that the sweetest nectar is not necessarily ...

Plants & Animals Dec 11, 2019

Super rats or sickly rodents? Our war against urban rats could be leading to swift evolutionary changes

It took only a few seconds to spot one. Then another. As I walked into the small park around noon, dozens of rats could be seen scurrying in every direction. They dashed in and out of burrows scattered around the planting ...

Environment Apr 2, 2019

Why the next decade will be critical in the fight against climate change

To Andrew Wheeler, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, global warming is a problem for the future. "Most of the threats from climate change are 50 to 75 years out," he said in a recent interview, expressing a ...

Education Jan 18, 2019

Bad math: Software error tweaks grades in N Carolina schools

A software error caused public school students around North Carolina to receive incorrect end-of-term grades this school year, state education officials said.

Archaeology Nov 29, 2018

Oldest-known ancestor of modern primates may have come from North America, not Asia

About 56 million years ago, on an Earth so warm that palm trees graced the Arctic Circle, a mouse-sized primate known as Teilhardina first curled its fingers around a branch.

Environment Oct 6, 2018

S. Arabia backs down from blocking UN climate report: sources (Update)

Oil giant Saudi Arabia backed down at the last minute Saturday from obstructing the adoption of a major report by the UN's climate science panel, sources told AFP.

Ecology Mar 1, 2018

Successful anti-poaching operation leads to five-year conviction for three poachers in Republic of Congo

Three poachers responsible for slaughtering eleven elephants in and around Nouabale-Ndoki National Park in January were convicted to five years' imprisonment by the local district court last week, according to WCS (Wildlife ...

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