Search results for granular medium

Condensed Matter Jun 15, 2017

Desert lizards use body oscillations to dive into sand (Update)

In the desert, the sand surface can become extremely hot during the day, up to 70ºC. In order to escape these temperatures, some desert lizards adopt a fascinating strategy: They dive a few centimeters under the sand surface ...

Engineering May 10, 2017

New 3-D printing method promises vastly superior medical implants for millions

For the millions of people every year who have or need medical devices implanted, a new advancement in 3D printing technology developed at the University of Florida promises significantly quicker implantation of devices that ...

Condensed Matter Nov 14, 2016

A new type of convection is proven in granular gases

In physics, thermal convection of a fluid is exhibited by the appearance of geometric structures through which the fluid moves, forming closed circuits. This phenomenon is of vital importance for many industrial applications ...

Quantum Physics Nov 8, 2016

Close to absolute zero, electrons exhibit their quantum nature

What would happen if an electric current no longer flowed, but trickled instead? This was the question investigated by researchers working with Christian Ast at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. Their investigation ...

Internet Sep 29, 2016

Coolness, control and community draw people to Pinterest

Cool features with easy-to-follow instructions that provide control and community may keep Pinterest users pinning, liking and inviting, according to researchers, who add that these behaviors may reveal new ways people are ...

Engineering Feb 23, 2016

Printed prosthetics are here, and complex bioprinting is coming, orthopedic technologist says

Once confined to the realm of science fiction, 3D printers have become part of the mainstream. These machines fabricate physical objects by melting and layering plastic through a nozzle. Users can create or download professionally ...

General Physics Feb 5, 2016

Partitioning by collision

An ensemble consisting of a binary mixture of particles of equal size can partition itself into its component fractions - provided that the two species differ in their diffusion constants.

Soft Matter Oct 27, 2015

Physics of 'booming' and 'burping' sand dunes revealed

Avalanching sand from dune faces in Death Valley National Park and the Mojave Desert can trigger loud, rumbling "booming" or short bursts of "burping" sounds—behaving as a perfectly tuned musical instrument.

Computer Sciences Aug 5, 2015

New method efficiently renders granular materials at multiple scales

Computer graphics researchers have developed a way to efficiently render images of sand castles, gravel roads, snowmen, salt in a shaker or even ocean spray - any object consisting of randomly oriented, but discernible grains ...

Condensed Matter Jul 1, 2015

Improving insulation materials, down to wetting crossed fibers

Sandcastles are a prime example of how adding a small amount of liquid to a granular material changes its characteristics. But understanding the effect of a liquid wetting randomly oriented fibres in a fibrous medium remains ...

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