Search results for generic method

Social Sciences Sep 15, 2023

In the 'I' of the beholder: Study shows people believe self-relevant artwork is more beautiful

People have fairly consistent preferences when it comes to judging the beauty of things in the real world—it's well known, for example, that humans prefer symmetrical faces. But our feelings about art may be more personal, ...

Optics & Photonics Sep 14, 2023

New camera offers ultrafast imaging at a fraction of the normal cost

Capturing blur-free images of fast movements like falling water droplets or molecular interactions requires expensive ultrafast cameras that acquire millions of images per second. In a new paper, researchers report a camera ...

Bio & Medicine Aug 9, 2023

Isothermal self-assembly of multicomponent and evolutive DNA nanostructures

Multiple complementary DNA strands can be thermally annealed into desired entities to engineer DNA nanostructures. In a new study now published in Nature Nanotechnology, Caroline Rossi-Gendron and a team of researchers in ...

Polymers Jul 28, 2023

Recovering valuable chemical building blocks from polystyrene waste

Polystyrene, the main material in plastic tableware and insulating materials, is a widely used polymer but is currently difficult to recycle. Reporting in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, a team of U.S. ...

Biochemistry Jul 19, 2023

Research team develops biosensor that could lead to quick and inexpensive test for osteoporosis risk

As life expectancy increases worldwide, age-associated diseases such as osteoporosis are having an increasing impact.

Economics & Business Jul 7, 2023

Ukrainian science is struggling, threatening long-term economic recovery

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has done a lot of damage to the Ukrainian scientific system. The ongoing war has damaged physical infrastructure, thousands of Ukrainian scientists have fled their country ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 5, 2023

Orbital angular momentum boosts multiplexed holography

Optical holography is a powerful method for recording and reconstructing complete optical field information, including intensity and phase. It has found extensive applications in various fields, such as optical display, imaging, ...

Ecology Jun 28, 2023

Detecting gregarious Goliath groupers using their low-frequency pulse sounds

From growls to pulses to booms, whales, fish and crustaceans all produce sounds. In fact, more than 800 species of fish are capable of making noises for a variety of functions such as courtship and mating, defending their ...

Environment Jun 13, 2023

The case for compost: Why recycling food waste is so much better than sending it to landfill

Most food and garden waste in Australia comes from homes. Australian households waste 3.1 million tons of food each year. That's more than five kilograms each household per week.

Social Sciences May 10, 2023

Q&A: Can AI and creativity coexist?

One of the Writers Guild of America's demands in its current strike is for studios to regulate the use of artificial intelligence for creating, writing and rewriting TV and movie scripts and other material.

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