Search results for collagen sequencing

Space Exploration Mar 9, 2021

New study highlights first infection of human cells during spaceflight

Astronauts face many challenges to their health, due to the exceptional conditions of spaceflight. Among these are a variety of infectious microbes that can attack their suppressed immune systems.

Evolution Mar 8, 2021

Neanderthals disappeared from Europe earlier than thought, says study

Neanderthal fossils from a cave in Belgium believed to belong to the last survivors of their species ever discovered in Europe are thousands of years older than once thought, a new study said Monday.

Materials Science Feb 16, 2021

Collagen structures get the royal reveal

Collagen is the king of biological proteins, and now it has a SCEPTTr.

Nanomaterials Jan 7, 2021

Chemists invent shape-shifting nanomaterial

Chemists have developed a nanomaterial that they can trigger to shape shift—from flat sheets to tubes and back to sheets again—in a controllable fashion. The Journal of the American Chemical Society published a description ...

Biochemistry Nov 30, 2020

Recombinant collagen polypeptide as a versatile bone graft biomaterial

The current gold standard for bone grafting surgery includes autografts and allografts, although a growing demand exists to develop synthetic biomaterials for enhanced bio-integration in bone tissue engineering. In a new ...

Archaeology Jun 23, 2020

Unearthing new dingo truths

Where did dingoes come from and when? Who brought them and what can this tell us about human evolution on our continent? They are mysteries steeped in time that University of New England (UNE) archaeologist Dr. Melanie Fillios ...

Materials Science Jun 18, 2020

Off the scales: Fish armor both tough and flexible

Humans have drawn technological inspiration from fish scales going back to ancient times: Romans, Egyptians, and other civilizations would dress their warriors in scale armor, providing both protection and mobility. Now, ...

Archaeology May 11, 2020

Chemical evidence of dairying by hunter-gatherers in Lesotho in the first millennium AD

After analysing organic residues from ancient pots, a team of scientists led by the University of Bristol has uncovered new evidence of dairying by hunter-gatherers in the landlocked South African country of Lesotho in the ...

Biochemistry Mar 17, 2020

Bacterial enzyme could become a new target for antibiotics

MIT and Harvard University chemists have discovered the structure of an unusual bacterial enzyme that can break down an amino acid found in collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the human body.

Archaeology Feb 28, 2020

Cartilage cells, chromosomes and DNA preserved in 75 million-year-old baby duck-billed dinosaur

This study is lead by Dr. Alida Bailleul (Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Dr. Mary Schweitzer (North Carolina State University, NC Museum of Natural Sciences, ...

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