See also stories tagged with Robot

Search results for robot

Planetary Sciences Jun 28, 2024

New class of Mars quakes reveals daily meteorite strikes

An international team of researchers, co-led by ETH Zurich and Imperial College London, has derived the first estimate of global meteorite impacts on Mars using seismic data. Their findings indicate that between 280 to 360 ...

Planetary Sciences Jun 27, 2024

NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter captures huge volcano, nears 100,000 orbits

NASA's longest-lived Mars robot is about to mark a new milestone on June 30: 100,000 trips around the Red Planet since launching 23 years ago. During that time, the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter has been mapping minerals and ...

Ecology Jun 27, 2024

Kick-starting seagrass for a climate-proof sea

Once upon a time, seagrass meadows of about 150 square kilometers covered the bottom of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Now, seagrasses have all but disappeared, just like in many other places in the world. But these unique saltwater ...

Space Exploration Jun 27, 2024

NASA advances research to grow habitats in space from fungi

As NASA prepares for long-duration missions to the moon and Mars for the benefit of all, a habitat-growing concept selected Wednesday by the agency could help "grow" homes using fungi for future explorers.

Materials Science Jun 27, 2024

Japan scientists make smiling robot with 'living' skin

Japanese scientists have used human cells to develop an equivalent to living skin that can be attached to robotic surfaces to flash a realistic—if creepy—smile.

Planetary Sciences Jun 26, 2024

Detective work enables Perseverance Mars rover team to revive SHERLOC instrument

After six months of effort, an instrument that helps the Mars rover look for potential signs of ancient microbial life has come back online.

Bio & Medicine Jun 26, 2024

Microrobot-packed pill shows promise for treating inflammatory bowel disease in mice

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a pill that releases microscopic robots, or microrobots, into the colon to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The experimental treatment, given orally, ...

Social Sciences Jun 26, 2024

Populism can degrade democracy but is on the rise—its causes and how it can be weakened

There's a widespread view that populism is on the rise, from the United States and Turkey to India and Hungary.

Economics & Business Jun 25, 2024

Robots steal jobs from unions—study shows decline in unionizations

Collective bargaining is a fundamental pillar of the European social model. In Italy, over the decades, unions have ensured wage increases commensurate with productivity growth and a gradual improvement in working conditions. ...

Other Jun 25, 2024

A model of Collaborative Ethics to guide translational research from fundamental discoveries to real-world applications

In sciences, disruptive research that is breaking new ground often raises new and not-yet-explored ethical questions. Although new scientific breakthroughs can have the power to change how we understand and live in the world, ...

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