Search results for yeti

Plants & Animals Mar 16, 2015

No reason to believe Yeti legends to be inspired by an unknown type of bear

A Venezuelan evolutionary biologist and a US zoologist state that they have refuted, through mitochondrial DNA sequencing, a recent claim, also based on such sequencing, that unknown type of bear must exist. in the Himalayas ...

Biotechnology Dec 17, 2014

New analysis of DNA evidence contradicts claims of 'Yeti' brown/polar bear hybrid in Himalayas

(—A pair of researches are challenging claims made by a British scientist last year that DNA samples of animal remains found in the Himalayas were from a brown/extinct polar bear hybrid that is still alive and ...

Plants & Animals Jul 2, 2014

Bigfoot hair samples mostly from bears, wolves

For those who believe in the yeti, the news can only be described as, well, abominable. Science has cast its methodical eye on samples of hair reputed to have been left by the Himalayan snowman of legend... and determined ...

Plants & Animals Oct 17, 2013

DNA links mysterious Yeti to ancient polar bear (Update 3)

A British scientist says he may have solved the mystery of the Abominable Snowman—the elusive ape-like creature of the Himalayas. He thinks it's a bear.

Plants & Animals Jun 18, 2013

Origins of 'The Hoff' crab revealed (w/ Video)

The history of a new type of crab, nicknamed 'The Hoff' because of its hairy chest, which lives around hydrothermal vents deep beneath the Southern Ocean and Indian Ocean, has been revealed for the first time.

Earth Sciences Mar 4, 2013

In Greenland and Antarctic tests, Yeti helps conquer some 'abominable' polar hazards

( —A century after Western explorers first crossed the dangerous landscapes of the Arctic and Antarctic, researchers funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) have successfully deployed a self-guided robot ...

Other Feb 22, 2013

The bigger the Bigfoot claim, the bigger the need for evidence

Forget blurry pictures and casts of big foot-prints. A Texas veterinarian, Dr Melba Ketchum, and her collaborators have published an article, in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, proving the existence of Bigfoot.

Plants & Animals May 23, 2012

Project to examine 'Yeti' DNA

( -- A new collaboration between Oxford University and the Lausanne Museum of Zoology will use the latest genetic techniques to investigate organic remains that some have claimed belong to the ‘Yeti’ and ...

Plants & Animals Jan 3, 2012

'Lost world' discovered around Antarctic vents

Communities of species previously unknown to science have been discovered on the seafloor near Antarctica, clustered in the hot, dark environment surrounding hydrothermal vents.

Plants & Animals Dec 29, 2011

British oceanographers find new species in Indian Ocean hydrothermal vents

( -- A research team sailing on the vessel James Cook has been studying the unique habitat surrounding deep sea vents in the Indian Ocean far off the south-east coast of Africa. The vents, created by under-the-sea-floor ...

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