Search results for yeti

Consumer & Gadgets Dec 13, 2017

Alexa, can I do my holiday shopping through you?

It was a few weeks before Christmas and time to put my voice assistant to the test: Could I just shout out the gifts I needed to buy without having to get on a smartphone or computer?

Robotics Dec 13, 2017

What the robots of Star Wars tell us about automation, and the future of human work

Millions of fans all over the world are eagerly anticipating this week's release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the eighth in the series. At last we will get some answers to questions that have been vexing us since 2015's The ...

Plants & Animals Nov 28, 2017

Abominable Snowman? Nope—study ties DNA samples from purported Yetis to Asian bears

The Yeti or Abominable Snowman—a mysterious, ape-like creature said to inhabit the high mountains of Asia—looms large in the mythology of Nepal and Tibet.

Consumer & Gadgets Nov 23, 2017

Gadgets: Extraordinary gifts for the one-of-a-kinds on your list

If you're struggling to find a different, out of the ordinary gift for someone special, here's a head start.

Ecology Jul 31, 2017

How the search for mythical monsters can help conservation in the real world

After fears the Loch Ness Monster had "disappeared" last winter, a new sighting in May 2017 was celebrated by its enthusiasts. The search for monsters and mythical creatures (or "cryptids") such as Nessie, the Yeti or Bigfoot ...

Consumer & Gadgets May 10, 2017

Review: Goal Zero Yeti gives you hours of power with zero emissions

Be prepared. That's a good motto. Just ask the Boy Scouts of America.

Business Jan 18, 2017

VW will appeal court order to buy back customer's diesel car

Volkswagen says it will appeal a court ruling that it must buy back a German customer's diesel car rigged to cheat on emissions tests.

Plants & Animals Jun 24, 2015

First species of yeti crab found in Antarctica named after British deep-sea biologist

The first species of Yeti Crab from hydrothermal vent systems of the East Scotia Ridge in the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, has been described by a team of British scientists.

Software Jun 11, 2015

The evolution of an app

When Apple's App Store launched in 2008, the new marketplace spawned a digital sausage-making operation of epic proportion. Behind the scenes, millions of crazy app ideas have flourished or floundered, funding spigots have ...

Astronomy Jun 2, 2015

Researchers use stars to infer mass of Milky Way

What if your doctor told you that your weight is somewhere between 100 and 400 lbs.? With any ordinary scale every patient can do better at home. Yet, one patient can't: the Milky Way. Even though today we peer deeper into ...

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