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Search results for galaxy

Astronomy Jul 1, 2024

Research intern helps discover a new pulsar buried in a mountain of data

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Remote Sensing Division intern Amaris McCarver, along with a team of astronomers, has discovered the first millisecond pulsar in the stellar cluster Glimpse-CO1 and recently published ...

Astronomy Jul 1, 2024

What's next for the Event Horizon Telescope? Twelve possible new targets

Both the Milky Way and a galaxy known as M87 have supermassive black holes at their core. These are the two largest black holes we know about and the Event Horizon Telescope has just captured stunning images of their event ...

Astronomy Jul 1, 2024

Astronomers discover a peculiar radio galaxy

Using the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR), astronomers have discovered a new radio galaxy. The newfound galaxy, designated J0011+3217, showcases peculiar features, including a one-sided secondary lobe. The finding was reported ...

Astronomy Jul 1, 2024

'Motion-picture' method reveals shape of the Milky Way's dark matter halo

An international team has pioneered a "motion-picture" method for measuring the precession rate of the Milky Way's disk warp. Using a sample of Cepheid variable stars of different ages, this method allows the precession direction ...

Astronomy Jun 29, 2024

The Milky Way's eROSITA bubbles are large and distant

In 2020, astronomers discovered a large hourglass-shaped structure in or near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Dubbed "eROSITA bubbles," there have been a few different hypotheses proposed to explain their precise nature. ...

Astronomy Jun 28, 2024

Tiny bright objects discovered at dawn of universe baffle scientists

A recent discovery by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) confirmed that luminous, very red objects previously detected in the early universe upend conventional thinking about the origins and evolution of galaxies and ...

Astronomy Jun 28, 2024

Astronomers discover two new Milky Way satellite galaxy candidates

For years, astronomers have worried about how to explain why the Milky Way has fewer satellite galaxies than the standard dark matter model predicts. This is called the "missing satellites problem."

Astronomy Jun 28, 2024

Image: Hubble examines elliptical galaxy Messier 105

It might appear featureless and unexciting at first glance, but NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observations of this elliptical galaxy—known as Messier 105—show that the stars near the galaxy's center are moving very ...

Astronomy Jun 27, 2024

The density difference of sub-Neptunes finally deciphered

An international team led by UNIGE, UNIBE and PlanetS has shown the existence of two distinct populations of sub-Neptunes, resolving a debate in the scientific community.

Astronomy Jun 26, 2024

The surprising behavior of black holes in an expanding universe

A physicist investigating black holes has found that, in an expanding universe, Einstein's equations require that the rate of the universe's expansion at the event horizon of every black hole must be a constant, the same ...

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