Search results for coastal dunes

Earth Sciences Oct 11, 2023

What is seawater intrusion? A hydrogeologist explains the shifting balance between fresh and salt water at the coast

Seawater intrusion is the movement of saline water from the ocean or estuaries into freshwater systems. The seawater that has crept up the Mississippi River in the summer and early fall of 2023 is a reminder that coastal ...

Environment Oct 10, 2023

Studies challenge established views on sand migration along San Diego County coast

A renowned oceanographer who has studied the California coast for decades says new research challenges a well-established notion about how sand flows within the surf and long-shore currents that constantly shape the state's ...

Earth Sciences Sep 15, 2023

Q&A: Hurricane Fiona recovery and the next big storm

As we approach the first anniversary of hurricane Fiona, hurricane Lee is tracking to hit the Atlantic coast.

Environment Sep 15, 2023

Climate change is set to make our holidays look very different—here's how

Holidays are making a comeback after several years of disruption caused by the COVID pandemic. Nearly 4 billion passengers boarded international flights in 2022, up from fewer than 2 billion in 2020. Recent research suggests ...

Earth Sciences Sep 13, 2023

'The perfect storm': Hurricane Idalia leaves Florida beaches vulnerable to future inclement weather

A University of South Florida expert on erosion and coastal resiliency is working with Pinellas County to help identify beaches in need of nourishment following Hurricane Idalia, which washed away parts of the coast as it ...

Environment Aug 25, 2023

World's beaches are changing because of climate change: Green thinking is needed to save them, says researcher

Coastlines—the interface between land and sea—lie at the frontline in the battle against climate change impacts.

Earth Sciences Aug 7, 2023

Public interest vs. private homes: Climate change and erosion fuel disputes along Lake Michigan's shoreline

Steve Coombs' lakefront home used to quake when waves crashed along Ogden Dunes' receding shoreline.

Plants & Animals Jul 25, 2023

Shellfish reefs improve marine biodiversity

Local shellfish including native razorfish and flat oysters, and feral pacific oysters, are showing strong ecosystem benefits for marine species within the Port River estuary ecosystem in Adelaide—with Flinders University ...

Archaeology Jul 20, 2023

Drawing in the sand at the beach? Our ancestors did the same 140,000 years ago

The urge to draw images in sand, or create sand sculptures, seems to be irresistible, as a walk on many a modern beach or dune surface will show. Sand is a vast canvas—and may have been used as one for far longer than people ...

Paleontology & Fossils Jul 18, 2023

Fossil trackways reveal first raptor-prey attack in Pleistocene Europe

Though we may often think of fossils purely as the bones of ancient organisms that roamed the Earth millions of years ago, in fact, we are actually able to see evidence of this past roaming itself.

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