Search results for coastal dunes

Earth Sciences Jan 10, 2024

Unique permanent coastal observation detects minimal changes

A team of researchers from TU Delft has succeeded in long-term mapping of beach topography to within a few centimeters. The unique dataset provides insights into coastal changes for every hour, for three years. This data ...

Ecology Jan 9, 2024

Australian firm's proposal to build headlands, artificial reef in Oceanside gets nod

A plan to build headlands and an artificial reef has been selected from three proposals by international design firms for a pilot project to restore and retain sand on Oceanside's eroded beaches.

Environment Jan 5, 2024

Become a beach scientist this summer and help monitor changing coastlines

When you arrive at your favorite beach these summer holidays, you may notice something different about the coast.

Ecology Dec 29, 2023

'Ecology on steroids': How Australia's First Nations managed Australia's ecosystems

First Nations people please be advised this article speaks of racially discriminating moments in history, including the distress and death of First Nations people.

Plants & Animals Dec 13, 2023

New study identifies the best areas for rewilding European bison

At the end of the last ice age, large herds of bison roamed across Europe. But by 1927, the European bison became extinct in the wild, with only about 60 individuals remaining in captivity. Scientists have long debated the ...

Plants & Animals Dec 5, 2023

Dunes and native plants to sprout next year on a California's harbor beach

A relatively low-budget project has received a $57,000 state grant to restore sand dunes and native plants next year to spots along Oceanside's North Strand and Harbor Beach.

Ecology Nov 28, 2023

Mussel beach: Belgium's recipe to fight erosion

Belgian mussels have long satisfied hungry diners, but an experiment is now underway to see if they can also protect Belgium's North Sea coast.

Environment Nov 17, 2023

Let coastlines be coastlines: How nature-based approaches can protect Canada's coasts

Along Canadian coasts, storm surges and flooding have gone from breaking news to seasonal norms.

Earth Sciences Nov 1, 2023

Storms or sea-level rise—what really causes beach erosion?

Beaches are dynamic. They change from week to week and month to month. Have you ever wondered what causes these changes? Or how beaches might fare as sea levels rise and if storms increase in frequency and severity?

Earth Sciences Oct 20, 2023

Sable Island's shifting landscape offers insights into groundwater loss globally

Almost 200 kilometers off the coast of Nova Scotia sits a slender, crescent-shaped spit of land known for mythic wild horses that roam its dunes, seals that dot its low-slung shores and hundreds of shipwrecks still populating ...

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