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Search results for axel

Plants & Animals Jun 20, 2023

Cuttlefish brain atlas first of its kind

Anything with three hearts, blue blood and skin that can change colors like a display in Times Square is likely to turn heads. Meet Sepia bandensis, known more descriptively as the camouflaging dwarf cuttlefish.

Astronomy Jun 15, 2023

Discovery of white dwarf pulsar sheds light on star evolution

The discovery of a rare type of white dwarf star system provides new understanding into stellar evolution.

Agriculture Jun 1, 2023

Firms withheld pesticide toxicity data from EU: study

Several major agrochemical companies did not disclose to European Union authorities studies assessing the toxic effects of pesticide ingredients on brain development, research said on Thursday.

Optics & Photonics May 26, 2023

Researchers present an unsupervised learning-based optical fiber imaging system

Fiber-optic imaging methods enable in vivo imaging deep inside hollow organs or tissues that are otherwise inaccessible to free-space optical techniques, playing a vital role in clinical practice and fundamental research, ...

General Physics May 23, 2023

World's most sensitive model-independent experiment starts searching for dark matter

The world's most sensitive model-independent experiment to search for particularly light particles, of which dark matter might be composed, starts today at DESY in the form of the 'light shining through a wall' experiment ...

Evolution May 11, 2023

Human ancestors preferred mosaic landscapes and high ecosystem diversity, study finds

A new study published in the journal Science by an international team finds that early human species adapted to mosaic landscapes and diverse food resources, which would have increased our ancestor's resilience to past shifts ...

Evolution Apr 20, 2023

The genome of the smallest baleen whale provides insight into evolution and tumor resistance

The pygmy right whale (Caperea marginata) is the smallest of all baleen whales although it can grow to six meters in length and weigh up to three tons. The species occurs circumpolar in the Antarctic waters of the Southern ...

Economics & Business Apr 14, 2023

Technology start-ups with research experience have faster international success, study finds

The first years are the most crucial ones for technology start-ups. They need to establish themselves on the market, build up a reputation and gain an international foothold as early as possible. The same applies to companies ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 22, 2023

Beethoven's genome offers clues to composer's health and family history

Ludwig van Beethoven's genome has been sequenced for the first time by an international team of scientists using five genetically matching locks of the well-known composer's hair.

Social Sciences Feb 27, 2023

School attendance rates in Australia are dropping: We need to ask students why

Today federal and state education ministers are meeting to talk about school attendance. Federal Education Minister Jason Clare has repeatedly flagged this as a key concern. As he told Channel 7's Sunrise last week:

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