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Search results for universe

Social Sciences 13 hours ago

Young voters have growing power, but broken politics leave them 'fatalistic,' studies find

Young voters from the millennial generation and Gen Z are emerging as the demographic center of power in American politics, but new studies by UC Berkeley researchers find they are fatalistic about critical problems such ...

Ecology 13 hours ago

Pacific cod can't rely on coastal safe havens for protection during marine heat waves, study finds

During recent periods of unusually warm water in the Gulf of Alaska, young Pacific cod in near shore safe havens where they typically spend their adolescence did not experience the protective effects those areas typically ...

Social Sciences 13 hours ago

Overburdened caseworkers put foster youths' online safety on the back burner

Foster parents and caseworkers agree: Sexual-related risks are the top concern for online safety for youths in the U.S. child welfare system. But how these two groups approach technology access and other online risks is conflicted, ...

Social Sciences 13 hours ago

What can social media tell us about public views on climate change?

IIASA researchers contributed to a new study, analyzing the main narratives in public discussions of climate change on social media. The research is published in the journal Current Research in Environmental Sustainability.

General Physics 13 hours ago

Magnesium-18's unique decay process: From theory to practice

Led by physicist Si-Min Wang, the research team at Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application (MOE), Institute of Modern Physics, and Shanghai Research Center for Theoretical Nuclear Physics, NSFC, Fudan University, ...

Ecology 13 hours ago

Kick-starting seagrass for a climate-proof sea

Once upon a time, seagrass meadows of about 150 square kilometers covered the bottom of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Now, seagrasses have all but disappeared, just like in many other places in the world. But these unique saltwater ...

Materials Science 13 hours ago

A new tool for modeling materials

Thermoset polymers made with composite materials give us everything from concrete bridge reinforcements to jet airplane wings to fiberglass boat hulls, and Philippe Geubelle's mission is to make these composites using methods ...

Plants & Animals 13 hours ago

Study projects loss of brown macroalgae and seagrasses with global environmental change

Researchers predict that climate change will drive a substantial redistribution of brown seaweeds and seagrasses at the global scale. The projected changes are alarming due to the fundamental role of seaweeds and seagrasses ...

Bio & Medicine 13 hours ago

Novel peptide formulation shows promise of restoring cognitive decline in schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complicated mental health disorder accompanied by a wide range of symptoms such as hallucinations, impaired cognitive ability, and disorganized speech or behavior. It has been associated with anomalies ...

Environment 13 hours ago

Climate change and sea level rise pose an acute challenge for cities with combined sewer systems

Older coastal cities, like Philadelphia, New York and Boston are at risk of being inundated by untreated sewage during floods. Due in part to the design of their combined sewer systems and in part due to sea level rise, these ...

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