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Search results for Sun

Planetary Sciences Jul 2, 2024

NASA asteroid experts create hypothetical impact scenario for exercise

A large asteroid impacting Earth is highly unlikely for the foreseeable future. But because the damage from such an event could be great, NASA leads hypothetical asteroid impact "tabletop" exercises every two years with experts ...

Astronomy Jul 2, 2024

Cosmic simulation reveals how black holes grow and evolve

A team of astrophysicists led by Caltech has managed for the first time to simulate the journey of primordial gas dating from the early universe to the stage at which it becomes swept up in a disk of material fueling a single ...

Astronomy Jul 2, 2024

NASA's NEOWISE infrared heritage will live on

NASA's near-Earth-object-hunting mission NEOWISE is nearing its conclusion. But its work will carry on with NASA's next-generation infrared mission: NEO Surveyor.

Plasma Physics Jul 2, 2024

New AI program helps identify elusive space plasmoids

In an ongoing game of cosmic hide and seek, scientists have a new tool that may give them an edge. Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed a computer program ...

Planetary Sciences Jul 2, 2024

New study shows mysterious solar particle blasts can devastate the ozone layer, bathing Earth in radiation for years

The remarkable aurora in early May this year demonstrated the power that solar storms can emit as radiation, but occasionally the sun does something far more destructive. Known as "solar particle events," these blasts of ...

Earth Sciences Jul 1, 2024

Laser, sonar technology finds that a northern California reservoir's capacity has shrunk by 3%

The California state Department of Water Resources has started using laser and sonar technology to measure reservoir capacity, determining that Lake Oroville, the State Water Project's largest reservoir, has shrunk since ...

Plasma Physics Jul 1, 2024

Multinational fusion energy project marks completion of its most complex magnet system

After two decades of design, production, fabrication and assembly on three continents, the historic, multinational ITER fusion energy project today celebrates the completion and delivery of its massive toroidal field coils ...

Earth Sciences Jul 1, 2024

Microscopic fungi enhance soil carbon storage in new landscapes created by shrinking Arctic glaciers

Melting Arctic glaciers are in rapid recession, and microscopic organisms colonize the newly exposed landscapes. Dr. James Bradley, Honorary Reader in Arctic Biogeochemistry in the School of Biological and Behavioral Sciences ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 1, 2024

Researchers find degradation of cell wall key in the spread of resistance

A study at UmeƄ University, Sweden, provides new clues in the understanding of how antibiotic resistance spreads. The study shows how an enzyme breaks down the bacteria's protective outer layer, the cell wall, and thus facilitates ...

Biotechnology Jul 1, 2024

Giant clams may hold the answers to making solar energy more efficient

Solar panel and biorefinery designers could learn a thing or two from iridescent giant clams living near tropical coral reefs, according to a new Yale-led study.

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