Search results for zeolite

Materials Science Sep 23, 2016

Fundamental researchers offer new ways to sort molecules for clean energy

It's called the office candy dish problem. You grab a jellybean, but it's not the flavor you want. Pawing through for your favorites is irritating in terms of time, energy, and efficacy. It also annoys your office mates. ...

Materials Science Sep 22, 2016

Toward more efficient CO2 capture

Existing methods to capture CO2 suffer from a series of drawbacks directly affecting their output. Aiming to improve the situation, Dr. Sonia Zulfiqar has been investigating the CO2 absorption capacity of new materials based ...

Materials Science Aug 18, 2016

Carbon molecular sieve membranes could cut energy in hydrocarbon separations

A research team from the Georgia Institute of Technology and ExxonMobil has demonstrated a new carbon-based molecular sieve membrane that could dramatically reduce the energy required to separate a class of hydrocarbon molecules ...

Materials Science Aug 18, 2016

Researchers identify possible catalyst for converting methane to methanol at room temperature

(—A team of researchers from Belgium and the U.S. has identified the active site of an iron-containing catalyst that has raised hopes for designing a practically useful catalyst that might make converting methane ...

Materials Science Aug 10, 2016

Catalysis steps into the third dimension

Nonsurfactant polymers template produces a highly porous, three-dimensional inorganic crystal to enhance catalysis and separation.

Materials Science Jul 28, 2016

Scientists change properties of zeolites to improve hemodialysis

Scientists of Tomsk State University are working on changing physicochemical properties of zeolites using thermal and mechanical treatment. Based on the results of this research, scientists will be able to create a new material ...

Nanomaterials Jul 5, 2016

A guide to the nanotechnology used in the average home

As a researcher of nanomaterials, I am often asked: "When are we finally going to start seeing nanotechnology products on the market?"

Materials Science Jul 5, 2016

Scientists show how water molecules add unwanted stability

In creating fuels from agricultural waste and other biomass, water slows a solid acid catalyst's ability to get the job done, costing time and energy. But scientists didn't know how the adverse reactions occurred. A team ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 4, 2016

Electronic nose smells pesticides and nerve gas

Detecting pesticides and nerve gas in very low concentrations. An international team of researchers led by Ivo Stassen and Rob Ameloot from KU Leuven, Belgium, have made it possible.

Nanomaterials Jun 29, 2016

Synthesized microporous 3D graphene-like carbons

Zeolites' nanoporous systems are an ideal template for the synthesis of three-dimensional (3D) graphene architecture, but the high temperatures required for their synthesis cause the reactions to occur non-selectively. The ...

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