Search results for electronic skin

Materials Science Jul 10, 2020

Liquid crystals create easy-to-read, color-changing sensors

Chameleons are famous for their color-changing abilities. Depending on their body temperature or mood, their nervous system directs skin tissue that contains nanocrystals to expand or contract, changing how the nanocrystals ...

Archaeology Jul 9, 2020

Advanced technology sheds new light on evolution of teeth

The evolution of human teeth began among ancient armored fishes more than 400 million years ago. In the scientific journal Science, an international team led by researchers from Uppsala University presents groundbreaking ...

Nanomaterials Jul 2, 2020

Flexible material shows potential for use in fabrics to heat, cool

A film made of tiny carbon nanotubes (CNT) may be a key material in developing clothing that can heat or cool the wearer on demand. A new North Carolina State University study finds that the CNT film has a combination of ...

Nanomaterials Jun 23, 2020

Microscopic computers: The wires of the future may be made of molecules

There are physical limits to how powerful computers can become if they are to maintain their size. Molecular electronics can solve that problem, and now SDU researchers are contributing to this field with a new, efficient ...

Biotechnology Jun 22, 2020

This enigmatic protein sculpts DNA to repair harmful damage

Sometimes, when something is broken, the first step to fixing it is to break it even more.

Plants & Animals Jun 19, 2020

Researchers characterize Meissner corpuscles in mice

A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School and Stanford University has learned more about the role Meissner corpuscles play in sensing touch in mice. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes ...

Nanomaterials Jun 3, 2020

Stretchable variable color sheet that changes color with expansion and contraction

A Toyohashi University of Technology research team has succeeded in developing a variable color sheet with a film thickness of 400 nanometers that changes color when stretched and shrunk. The developed stretchable color sheets ...

Materials Science Jun 1, 2020

New stretchable, self-healing and illuminating electronic material for wearables and soft robots

Imagine a flexible digital screen that heals itself when it cracks, or a light-emitting robot that locates survivors in dark, dangerous environments or carries out farming and space exploration tasks. A novel material developed ...

Biochemistry May 27, 2020

Researchers trigger enzymes with light

Enzymes are the central drivers for biochemical metabolic processes in every living cell, enabling reactions to take place efficiently. It is this ability that makes them useful as catalysts in biotechnology, for example, ...

Materials Science May 13, 2020

Designing flexible and stretchable single crystal electronic systems

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in collaboration with a Purdue team have discovered that certain crystals are more flexible and stretchable compared to current materials used for electronic applications. ...

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