Search results for diamond

Biotechnology Jun 1, 2021

Mass of human chromosomes measured for the first time

The mass of human chromosomes, which contain the instructions for life in nearly every cell of our bodies, has been measured with X-rays for the first time in a new study led by UCL researchers.

Condensed Matter May 27, 2021

Physicists uncover secrets of world's thinnest superconductor

Physicists from across three continents report the first experimental evidence to explain the unusual electronic behavior behind the world's thinnest superconductor, a material with myriad applications because it conducts ...

Earth Sciences May 26, 2021

What causes the deep Earth's most mysterious earthquakes?

The cause of Earth's deepest earthquakes has been a mystery to science for more than a century, but a team of Carnegie scientists may have cracked the case.

Biochemistry May 24, 2021

Bioengineer aims to turn nature's virus fighters into powerful drugs

Among the powerful biochemicals of the human immune system, peptides are one of the best.

Optics & Photonics May 17, 2021

Diamonds engage both optical microscopy and MRI for better imaging

When doctors or scientists want to peer into living tissue, there's always a trade-off between how deep they can probe and how clear a picture they can get.

Nanophysics May 17, 2021

Future sparkles for diamond-based quantum technology

Marilyn Monroe famously sang that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but they are also very popular with quantum scientists—with two new research breakthroughs poised to accelerate the development of synthetic diamond-based ...

Other May 13, 2021

Napoleonic jewels dazzle in Geneva auction

A jewellery set worn by French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's adopted daughter sold for $1.65 million in Geneva on Wednesday, soaring way above the pre-auction estimate.

General Physics May 12, 2021

X-ray ptychography performed for first time at small-scale laboratory

In recent years, X-ray ptychography has revolutionized nanoscale phase contrast imaging at large-scale synchrotron sources. The technique produces quantitative phase images with the highest possible spatial resolutions (10's ...

Earth Sciences May 11, 2021

Hidden within African diamonds, a billion-plus years of deep-Earth history

Diamonds are sometimes described as messengers from the deep earth; scientists study them closely for insights into the otherwise inaccessible depths from which they come. But the messages are often hard to read. Now, a team ...

Earth Sciences Apr 29, 2021

'Self-healing' continental roots have implications for precious mineral exploration

A new study led by University of Alberta geologists is shedding light on a fundamental mechanism of how Earth's continental plates heal, with implications for diamond exploration and locating economically important minerals.

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