Search results for qubits

General Physics May 19, 2020

Detecting individual nuclear spins with single rare-earth ions hosted in crystals

Rare-earth minerals are a class of materials with similar properties that are currently used to build a variety of devices, including LEDs, rechargeable batteries, magnets, lasers, and much more. These materials' electron ...

Quantum Physics Mar 25, 2020

Is nonlocality inherent in all identical particles in the universe?

What is interaction, and when does it occur? Intuition suggests that the necessary condition for the interaction of independently created particles is their direct touch or contact through physical force carriers. In quantum ...

Quantum Physics Aug 5, 2019

Novel networking

As a new joint appointee at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory, Eden Figueroa is getting accustomed to traversing between his roles within the Lab's Computational Science Initiative (CSI) and Instrumentation ...

Quantum Physics Apr 18, 2018

Novel thermal phases of topological quantum matter in the lab

For the first time, a group of researchers from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, IBM, ETH Zurich, MIT and Harvard University have observed topological phases of matter of quantum states under the action of temperature or ...

Quantum Physics Jun 16, 2017

How the quantum Zeno effect impacts Schroedinger's cat

You've probably heard about Schrödinger's cat, which famously is trapped in a box with a mechanism that is activated if a radioactive atom decays, releasing radiation. The act of looking in the box collapses the atom's wave ...

Quantum Physics Apr 18, 2016

Team devises new technique to probe 'noise' in quantum computing

Dartmouth College and Griffith University researchers have devised a new way to "sense" and control external noise in quantum computing.

Quantum Physics Jun 20, 2014

Independent research group testing D-Wave Two finds no quantum speedup

( —An independent research team with members affiliated with several universities in the U.S. and Switzerland has concluded that the D-Wave Two computer shows no signs of quantum speedup. They've written a paper ...

General Physics Jan 16, 2014

Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' corroborates theory of consciousness

A review and update of a controversial 20-year-old theory of consciousness published in Physics of Life Reviews claims that consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale activities inside brain neurons. The recent ...

Quantum Physics Nov 12, 2012

First noiseless single photon amplifier

Research physicists have demonstrated the first device capable of amplifying the information in a single particle of light without adding noise.

Quantum Physics Jun 29, 2010

Diamonds and the holy grail of quantum computing

Since Richard Feynman's first envisioned the quantum computer in 1982, there have been many studies of potential candidates -- computers that use quantum bits, or qubits, capable of holding an more than one value at a time ...

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