Search results for fluid mechanics

General Physics Oct 29, 2013

Cat's eyes: Designing the perfect mixer

As any amateur baker knows, proper mixing is crucial to a perfect pastry. Mix too little and ingredients will not be evenly distributed; beat instead of fold, and a soufflé will fall flat. Mixing strategies are even more ...

Optics & Photonics Nov 21, 2022

Observation of mechanical bound states in the continuum in an optomechanical microresonator

High-Q mechanical resonances are desired in many applications. The conventional wisdom relies on minimizing the size of the supporting structure of mechanical resonators, which renders the fabricated mechanical device fragile.

Cell & Microbiology Apr 16, 2024

Spiraling insights: Scientists observe mechanical waves in bacterial communities

A new study by researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong has reported the emergence of mechanical spiral waves in bacterial matter.

Optics & Photonics Mar 31, 2023

Mechanisms of ultra-fast gigahertz burst femtosecond laser ablation

Gigahertz femtosecond lasers are suited to enhance and regulate laser machining quality to engineer the physicochemical properties of materials. Materials scientists seek to understand the laser-material interactions by gigahertz ...

General Physics Jun 29, 2021

A proprioceptive mechanism to enable fish-like swimming in robots

Over the past few decades, roboticists have developed a variety of robots inspired by nature, humans and animals. To effectively mimic animals or humans, however, these robots should not only look like them; they should also ...

General Physics May 21, 2020

Searching for scalar dark matter using compact mechanical resonators

Researchers at University of Delaware, University of Arizona and Haverford College have recently introduced the idea of searching for scalar dark matter using compact acoustic resonators. Their paper, published in Physical ...

Quantum Physics Mar 13, 2013

Physicists use mechanical micro-drum used as quantum memory

JILA researchers demonstrated thatinformation encoded as a specific point in atraveling microwave signal—the vertical and horizontal positions of a wave pattern at a certain ime—can be transferred to the mechanical beat ...

Materials Science Feb 9, 2021

New insights put a freeze on the mechanisms for safely cryopreserving biological materials

Cryopreservation involves preserving biological materials, such as cells, tissues, and organs, at ultra-low temperatures so that they can be revived and used at a later date. To achieve cryopreservation such that the preserved ...

Cell & Microbiology Nov 16, 2016

Where cells go: Mechanical and chemical cues collaborate to guide them

Living cells respond to biochemical signals by moving toward those at higher concentration, a process carefully mapped out by biologists over the past several decades. But cells also move in response to mechanical forces, ...

Cell & Microbiology Nov 29, 2018

New tools illuminate mechanisms behind overlooked cellular components' critical roles

Creating new tools that harness light to probe the mysteries of cellular behavior, Princeton researchers have made discoveries about the formation of cellular components called membraneless organelles and the key role these ...

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