Search results for cardiac engineering

Optics & Photonics Apr 13, 2022

Rotating blue laser light reveals unimagined dynamics in living cells

When cities transform into a colorful world of lights as darkness falls, it's often only possible to estimate their contours, which depending on the perspective can draw the attention to key details or trivia. In fluorescence ...

General Physics Oct 20, 2020

Microscopy with undetected photons in the mid-infrared region

Microscopy techniques that incorporate mid-infrared (IR) illumination holds tremendous promise across a range of biomedical and industrial applications due to its unique biochemical specificity. However, the method is primarily ...

Materials Science Sep 16, 2020

Researchers create better material for wearable biosensors

Biosensors that are wearable on human skin or safely used inside the body are increasingly prevalent for both medical applications and everyday health monitoring. Finding the right materials to bind the sensors together and ...

Biotechnology Jul 2, 2019

Decoding cells to unlock stem cells' potential

Stem cells are jacks of all trades, capable of alleviating the consequences of such diverse pathologies as heart attacks, strokes and cancer. However, stem cell therapies have been hampered by possible side effects, which ...

Analytical Chemistry Oct 25, 2018

New chip measures multiple cellular responses to speed drug discovery

Finding ways to improve the drug development process – which is currently costly, time-consuming and has an astronomically high failure rate – could have far-reaching benefits for health care and the economy. Researchers ...

Plants & Animals May 8, 2018

What happens when a dolphin holds its breath?

When dolphins dive deep to search for prey, their respiration stops. Their heartbeat slows. Yet they are still able to power all of the functions they need to hunt. No one is entirely sure how they do it, because no one has ...

Robotics Nov 22, 2017

A 'half-hearted' solution to one-sided heart failure—Soft robotic system provides support

Soft robotic actuators, which are pneumatic artificial muscles designed and programmed to perform lifelike motions, have recently emerged as an attractive alternative to more rigid components that have conventionally been ...

Engineering Sep 13, 2017

Researchers develop spectroscopic 'science camera' system for smartphones

The latest versions of most smartphones contain at least two and sometimes three built-in cameras. Researchers at the University of Illinois would like to sell mobile device manufactures on the idea of adding yet another ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 10, 2017

Nanoscale forces measured in aortic smooth muscle cells tell story of disease

Researchers from Virginia Tech and the University of Pittsburgh have collaborated to employ a novel nanoscale fibrous system that can measure the tiny forces exerted by and upon individual cells with extreme precision. The ...

Engineering May 26, 2017

Minimizing the risk of electric shock around pools and lakes

A danger that you can't see or hear—electric shock in water—can easily go undetected. Electricity is deadly and often discovered only after it is too late.

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