Search results for female executives

Plants & Animals Mar 13, 2024

Research suggests that menopause explains why some female whales live so long

Females of some whale species have evolved to live drastically longer lives so they can care for their families, new research shows.

Ecology Mar 12, 2024

Wolverines vanished from California a century ago. Is it time to bring them back?

Wolverines could be poised for a comeback in California. A new bill seeks to reintroduce the solitary, muscular carnivores to the state's mountainous regions, where they were hunted, poisoned and trapped into oblivion more ...

Social Sciences Mar 11, 2024

Networking: An opportunity or an obstacle for women?

Networking can help to build and improve informal working relationships. When done right, it can be a mutually beneficial exchange among individuals or groups, often leading to new opportunities or even promotions, making ...

Social Sciences Mar 4, 2024

Nearly half of Britons say women's equality has gone far enough

Nearly one in two Britons (47%) say that when it comes to giving women equal rights with men, things have gone far enough in Great Britain—compared to 38% who said the same last year. And for the first time in this data ...

Social Sciences Feb 27, 2024

Silence broken on gender pay gaps but we must hold organizations to account, says workplace diversity expert

The exposure of the gender pay gaps in large Australian organizations is a turning point for gender equality, but more must be done to hold employers to account, says a University of South Australia researcher.

Social Sciences Feb 23, 2024

Mass shooting lockdown drills help schoolchildren feel safer, US study suggests

Lockdown drills, practiced to help prepare children for shooting incidents at school, make those who have been exposed to violence feel safer, a new study of thousands of students in the US indicates.

Plants & Animals Feb 22, 2024

Coast Guard launches 'traffic control for whales' in Washington State's Puget Sound

Joe Gaydos remembers the beautiful minke whale that washed up on the shore of a San Juan Island in 2022. Illuminated by a pink and orange sunrise, its injuries were consistent with a fatal strike.

Social Sciences Feb 20, 2024

From bridge to chess, why men outperform women at 'mindsports'

Why do men strongly outperform women at "mindsports" such as chess and bridge? Mindsports mainly use the brain and require skills such as memory, critical thinking, problem solving, strategic planning, mental discipline and ...

Plants & Animals Feb 14, 2024

Love songs lead scientists to new populations of Skywalker gibbons found in Myanmar

Skywalker gibbon couples wake up each morning and sing to each other, their voices echoing across the forest canopy of their home. The primate's endearing love song helped scientists confirm what was formerly a strong hunch: ...

Plants & Animals Feb 14, 2024

Charlotte, a stingray with no male companion, is pregnant in her mountain aquarium

Charlotte, a rust-colored stingray the size of a serving platter, has spent much of her life gliding around the confines of a storefront aquarium in North Carolina's Appalachian Mountains.

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