Search results for robotics

Space Exploration Jul 2, 2024

Robotic rover could support astronauts on moonwalks

Robotic companions are a mainstay of sci-fi series everywhere. From R2D2 to Johnny 5, these characters typically have a supporting role in the story and are helpful to their human companions. But what if they were integral ...

Economics & Business Jun 25, 2024

Robots steal jobs from unions—study shows decline in unionizations

Collective bargaining is a fundamental pillar of the European social model. In Italy, over the decades, unions have ensured wage increases commensurate with productivity growth and a gradual improvement in working conditions. ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 26, 2024

Microrobot-packed pill shows promise for treating inflammatory bowel disease in mice

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a pill that releases microscopic robots, or microrobots, into the colon to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The experimental treatment, given orally, ...

Space Exploration Jun 20, 2024

Drone racing prepares neural-network AI for space

Drones are being raced against the clock at Delft University of Technology's "Cyber Zoo" to test the performance of neural-network-based AI control systems planned for next-generation space missions.

Plants & Animals Jul 1, 2024

Advanced DeepLabv3+ algorithm enhances safflower filament harvesting with high accuracy

A research team has developed an improved DeepLabv3+ algorithm for accurately detecting and localizing safflower filament picking points. By utilizing the lightweight ShuffleNetV2 network and incorporating convolutional block ...

Bio & Medicine Jul 1, 2024

Nanorobot kills cancer cells in mice with hidden weapon

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed nanorobots that kill cancer cells in mice. The robot's weapon is hidden in a nanostructure and is exposed only in the tumor microenvironment, sparing healthy cells. ...

Nanomaterials Jun 28, 2024

Soft, stretchy electrode simulates touch sensations using electrical signals

A team of researchers led by the University of California San Diego has developed a soft, stretchy electronic device capable of simulating the feeling of pressure or vibration when worn on the skin. This device, reported ...

Space Exploration Jul 5, 2024

With its latest moon mission success, China's space program has the US in its sights

June 25 2024 marked a new "first" in the history of spaceflight. China's robotic Chang'e 6 spacecraft delivered samples of rock back to Earth from a huge feature on the moon called the south pole–Aitken basin. After touching ...

Veterinary medicine Jun 25, 2024

Animals with disabilities get a little help from engineering design students

A braille-inscribed video game controller for a blind student. A splint for a cat or dog with an injured leg. An acorn that can be filled with seeds for a bird to reach with a broken beak.

Molecular & Computational biology Jun 17, 2024

Scientists slow down fast-acting brain protein to capture images

New groundbreaking images of one of the brain's fastest-acting proteins are providing critical clues that may lead to the development of targeted therapies to treat epilepsy and other brain disorders. The findings are published ...

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