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Search results for silicon

Bio & Medicine Jul 9, 2024

Moving from the visible to the infrared: Developing high quality nanocrystals

Awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, quantum dots have a wide variety of applications ranging from displays and LED lights to chemical reaction catalysis and bioimaging. These semiconductor nanocrystals are so small—on ...

Nanophysics Jul 9, 2024

Detecting defects in tomorrow's technology: Study enhances understanding of likely candidate for next-generation chips

Silicon computer chips have served us well for more than half a century. The tiniest features on chips currently sold are approximately 3 nanometers—a startlingly small size given that a human hair is roughly 80,000 nanometers ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 8, 2024

Unlocking the potential of anti-perovskites through a convenient one-step synthesis route

Although perovskites have attracted a lot of attention lately, anti-perovskites hold just as much potential as functional materials. Bearing a similar crystal structure to perovskites but with an inverted electrical configuration, ...

Bio & Medicine Jul 5, 2024

Researchers explain the imaging mechanisms of atomic force microscopy in 3D

Researchers at Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University report the 3D imaging of a suspended nanostructure. The technique used is an extension of atomic force microscopy and is a promising approach for ...

Space Exploration Jul 4, 2024

Engineers send 3D printer into space

Imagine a crew of astronauts headed to Mars. About 140 million miles away from Earth, they discover their spacecraft has a cracked O-ring. But instead of relying on a dwindling cache of spare parts, what if they could simply ...

Condensed Matter Jul 4, 2024

Physicists develop method to detect single-atom defects in semiconductors

One of the challenges of cramming smarter and more powerful electronics into ever-shrinking devices is developing the tools and techniques to analyze the materials that make them up with increasingly intimate precision.

Nanomaterials Jul 3, 2024

Scientists discover way to 'grow' sub-nanometer sized transistors

A research team led by Director Jo Moon-Ho of the Center for Van der Waals Quantum Solids within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) has implemented a novel method to achieve epitaxial growth of 1D metallic materials with ...

Bio & Medicine Jul 2, 2024

Patent could be inexpensive method to improve creation of solid-state nanopores

SMU and the University of Rhode Island have patented an inexpensive, easy-to-use method to create solid-state nanopores (SSNs), while also making it possible to self-clean blocked nanopores.

Analytical Chemistry Jul 2, 2024

Microscopy method unlocks 'materials genome,' opening possibilities for next-generation design

A new microscopy method has allowed researchers to detect tiny changes in the atomic-level architecture of crystalline materials—like advanced steels for ship hulls and custom silicon for electronics. The technique could ...

General Physics Jul 2, 2024

Moving beyond the 80-year-old solar cell equation

Physicists from Swansea University and Åbo Akademi University have made a significant breakthrough in solar cell technology by developing a new analytical model that improves the understanding and efficiency of thin-film ...

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