Search results for shunt operation

Environment Apr 11, 2018

Why the fuss about nurdles?

Nurdles. The name sounds inoffensive, cuddly even…. However, nurdles are anything but. "Nurdle" is the colloquial name for "pre-production plastic pellets" (which is in itself rather a mouthful); these are the raw material ...

Plants & Animals Dec 27, 2017

Veterinary surgeons perform first-known brain surgery to treat hydrocephalus in fur seal

A neurosurgical team at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University has successfully performed what is believed to be a first-of-its-kind brain surgery on a Northern fur seal named Ziggy Star in an attempt ...

Ecology Jul 27, 2017

I.Coast seizes record three tonnes of pangolin scales

Authorities in Ivory Coast have seized a record haul of three tonnes of pangolin scales worth an estimated $82,000, in what officials on Thursday called a "massacre".

Security May 19, 2017

Their code was used to hack Sony and create 'WannaCry.' Meet the 'Lazarus Group'

On Feb. 4, 2016, as employees left work to enjoy their weekends, the central bank of Bangladesh began firing off dozens of transfer orders to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, asking to remove money from its accounts ...

Superconductivity Sep 23, 2016

New superconductive material for long-distance energy transmission

The energy landscape in Europe is changing rapidly and the percentage of renewables is steadily increasing. For example, in Germany, solar and wind power provided an average of 33% of the total electricity production in 2015. ...

Space Exploration Jul 8, 2016

The curious case of Earth's leaking atmosphere

Earth's atmosphere is leaking. Every day, around 90 tonnes of material escapes from our planet's upper atmosphere and streams out into space. Although missions such as ESA's Cluster fleet have long been investigating this ...

Software Mar 24, 2016

Software to self-diagnose the replacement timing of server power-supply units

Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. has developed a self-diagnostic technology to determine when a power supply unit needs to be replaced. This is software that can run on board the microcontroller of a digitally controlled power supply, ...

Space Exploration Jan 12, 2016

Long haul, night repairs for British, US spacewalkers

The first-ever spacewalk on Friday for British astronaut Tim Peake will require a long journey outside the space station to replace a failed power unit while under cover of darkness, NASA said Tuesday.

Security Dec 14, 2015

Cybersecurity startups are proliferating, but sorting out what works and what doesn't is tricky

His reputation scorched by Edward Snowden, the former director of the National Security Agency is heading a cybersecurity startup that aims to shortcircuit data leakers, cyber warriors, terrorists and thieves.

Software Sep 19, 2015

Hungary activists race to help migrants by smartphone

As migrants are shunted by countries between borders on trains and buses, a team of Hungarian activists are racing to send them accurate information, straight to their pockets on mobile phones.

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