Search results for SST

Earth Sciences Aug 31, 2023

Pacific Ocean global sea surface temperatures reach record levels in 2023

In March and April 2023, some Earth scientists began to point out that average sea surface temperatures had surpassed the highest levels seen in a key data record maintained by NOAA. Months later, they remain at record levels, ...

Earth Sciences Aug 22, 2023

Q&A: Is a critical system of ocean currents headed toward an imminent collapse?

Like the 60,000 miles of arteries and veins that course throughout the human body, ocean currents are the lifeblood of our planet—some flowing short distances, others circling the globe, but all playing a critical role ...

Earth Sciences Jul 31, 2023

Study reveals how seas around China respond to warming climate

A joint research team led by Prof. Wang Fan from the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) has revealed how the seas around China respond to warming climate. The review article was published in ...

Earth Sciences Jul 26, 2023

Global warming will cause more multiyear La Niña events, study finds

Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the Earth's most consequential interannual climate fluctuation. Alternating irregularly between warm El Niño and cold La Niña phases, it brings shifts in ocean surface temperature and disrupts ...

Earth Sciences Jul 24, 2023

New AI model outperforms traditional methods in predicting central Pacific El Niño

In a recently published study, researchers from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) model using deep learning algorithms that outperforms ...

Earth Sciences Jul 6, 2023

Study attributes shift of decadal trend in Middle East dust activities to North Tropical Atlantic variability

A research group led by Associate Professor Jing Li from the School of Physics at Peking University published an article in Science Bulletin titled "The shift of decadal trend in Middle East dust activities attributed to ...

Environment Jun 13, 2023

Forecasts show growing El Niño event

Forecasts assembled by the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) implemented by ECMWF predict a growing El Niño event this year.

Condensed Matter May 31, 2023

Understanding the tantalizing benefits of tantalum for improved quantum processors

Whether it's baking a cake, building a house, or developing a quantum device, the quality of the end product significantly depends on its ingredients or base materials. Researchers working to improve the performance of superconducting ...

Plants & Animals May 5, 2023

Underwater phenomenon bringing relief to hot corals

Naturally fluctuating temperatures on coral reefs caused by tides, waves and currents can bring relief from marine heat waves and may even help corals adapt to higher temperatures, a new study by Australian Institute of Marine ...

Earth Sciences Apr 24, 2023

New understanding of 'warm Arctic-cold Eurasia' on a subseasonal scale

"Warm Arctic-cold Eurasia" is one of the most significant pattern in winter climate change in the mid-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, which is a frontier scientific problem in current international climate research.

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