Search results for tropical forest destruction

Ecology May 15, 2024

Rabies outbreaks in Costa Rica cattle linked to deforestation

Deforestation in Costa Rica raises the risk of cattle becoming infected with rabies by vampire bats, finds a new study. Emerging Infectious Diseases published the research by disease ecologists at Emory University.

Environment May 15, 2024

Ghana's forests are being wiped out: What's behind this, and why attempts to stop it aren't working

Ghana has around 7.9 million hectares of forested land (35% of the total land area), according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. Around 7.6 million hectares are primary or naturally regenerated forest, and around ...

Ecology May 9, 2024

Rapid oyster reef restoration gives hope for repairing the sea

After a century of functional extinction on the Australian mainland, a Flat oyster reef has been successfully restored along a metropolitan Adelaide coastline.

Environment Apr 20, 2024

Climate impacts set to cut 2050 global GDP by nearly a fifth

Climate change caused by CO2 emissions already in the atmosphere will shrink global GDP in 2050 by about $38 trillion, or almost a fifth, no matter how aggressively humanity cuts carbon pollution, researchers said Wednesday.

Environment Apr 14, 2024

Scientists find vast numbers of illegal 'ghost roads' used to crack open pristine rainforest

One of Brazil's top scientists, Eneas Salati, once said, "The best thing you could do for the Amazon rainforest is to blow up all the roads." He wasn't joking. And he had a point.

Ecology Apr 11, 2024

Ghost roads speed destruction of Asia-Pacific tropical forests, finds study

Researchers mapping tropical forests have found many more roads than declared by official sources, which is raising fears of a huge increase in environmental degradation as the pace of road building increases.

Environment Apr 4, 2024

Despite gains in Brazil, forest destruction still 'stubbornly' high: Report

The world lost 10 football fields of old-growth tropical forest every minute in 2023 and despite uplifting progress in the Amazon, the picture elsewhere is less rosy, researchers said on Thursday.

Earth Sciences Mar 11, 2024

Satellite measurements show that global carbon emissions are still rising

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), human activities have significantly impacted the planet. As global greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide) have continued ...

Plants & Animals Mar 8, 2024

Primatologist observes how monkeys change behavior to survive deforestation

Deep within the forest, monkeys can be very social creatures: they play, fight, vocalize, and even groom one another within their social groups. But as University of Toronto Mississauga primatologist Laura Bolt and her colleagues ...

Earth Sciences Mar 3, 2024

The world's business and finance sectors can do much more to reverse deforestation—here's the data to prove it

Big corporations could drive a worldwide shift towards more sustainable supply chains that limit damage caused by deforestation. But progress is being slowed down by weak or non-existent commitments to ensure that supply ...

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